Thursday, April 26, 2018

Petition: Christian Mom on Death Row!


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A Christian mother has been sentenced to hang in Pakistan for her faith - but finally there's a glimmer of hope.
Asia Bibi has spent nearly 8 years on death row in Pakistan, separated from her husband and five children. Her supposed "crime" - blasphemy, for offering a Muslim coworker a glass of water. It's not justice. It's barbaric.
Sign the Petition Now
Her stagnate appeal has been delayed time and again.
Finally, the Chief Justice of Pakistan's Supreme Court has just announced that the Court will soon hear Asia Bibi's appeal.
It's unfathomable what this ordeal has done to her horrified family, having her ripped away, knowing she faces execution, and desperately praying for any sign of hope.
It is our sacred duty to act. At the ACLJ, we've mobilized our office on the ground in Pakistan. We've sent numerous legal letters to Pakistan demanding her freedom. We've made oral interventions on her behalf at the U.N.
Now as Pakistan's Supreme Court prepares to hear her appeal, Asia Bibi needs YOU. Join over 700,000 people in demanding this Christian mom's freedom.
Sign Our Urgent Petition: Save Christian Mom Asia Bibi.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

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