Thursday, April 19, 2018

Free Pastor Andrew From Prision! Sign Petition and Spread the Word!


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It's unthinkable. Pastor Andrew is being returned to a horrible prison.
The first day of American Pastor Andrew Brunson's trial was filled with secret witnesses for the prosecution. Their testimony was broadcast into the courtroom via video with their voices and appearances altered.
In the U.S. such devious tactics would have been thrown out of court. But not in Turkey.
Sign the Petition Now
Then at the conclusion of a grueling, nearly 13-hour-long day of trial, the judge refused to release Pastor Andrew. But worse, he ordered Pastor Andrew be thrown back into the first prison he had been in – a notoriously overcrowded and grim prison. Then the Turkish court delayed the trial until May 7th.
While his case has taken a bleak turn, these next three weeks are VERY CRITICAL. We have to turn up the pressure.
Pastor Andrew is innocent. He’s on trial for “Christianization” – for his faith.
We’re directly involved in directing his legal defense in Turkey. We are obtaining statements from nearly a dozen witnesses in defense of Pastor Andrew from across the globe. We’re fighting on Capitol Hill and at the U.N.
But without your voice now, this innocent pastor could very well spend the rest of his life in a Turkish prison.
Sign Our Urgent Petition: Free Pastor Andrew.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

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