Free, Online
(Scroll down a bit for Read link on right side of screen. You can read articles and devotionals, listen and watch sermons)
~A fav. of mine~
(Under Publications, click Days of Praise and hover your cursor over it. You can choose to read a current devotional online, look for older ones, or find out how to get them sent to your email.)
(These first 2 ministries are 2 of my favorite websites for reading Christian articles, Scriptural topics, listening or watching sermons.)
(Devotional: Their Live Abundantly Email Devotional can be signed up for on the left hand side of screen.)
* Their Live Abundantly Email Devotional can be signed up for on the left hand side of screen.)
Just for Guys:
(Meat for Men- Devotional articles for guys)
Just for Gals:
~The Blogs tab on this site is a fav. of mine~
* (A POWERFUL website that tackles the issues women of all ages deal with! Dannah Gresh made a huge difference in my life through her book,
"And the Bride Wore White" A must read for any gals 13 through 40's!)
(This site has A GREAT DEAL of devotional, articles to read, websites for modest dress, articles on why modest dress is important an God honoring and so very much more!) (Devotionals for kids via computer,
or for free via mail, weekly radio program, play games online.
All free and completely kid safe and friendly!)
Just for Pre-teens, Teen Gals:
(All completely safe and Bible based)
* (A BIG Fav. of mine! Posts are such a blessing, insightful, inspiring)
* (A POWERFUL website that has a great deal of info. that is applicable to teens of all ages! Dannah Gresh, the 'author' of PureFreedom made a powerful difference in my life through her book, "And the Bride Wore White" and I wanted to pass this resource onto you!)
* https://abbyforchrist1611.
* http://abbyforchrist.
If You Are Jewish:
* (Click on "Do You Know" for an interesting Q and A that I think would be insightful)
If you are Mormon, 7th Day Adventist or Jehovah's Witness:
If You Are From India:
Look online for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (website).
Mr. Zacharias is a former Hindu and wrote a compelling book,
"Jesus Among Other Gods." Please check this out!
If You Are a Muslim:
Nabeel Qureshi is a gentleman who was raised in the Muslim faith and has a very compelling and interesting story. Videos of him speaking, sharing his story can be found on Youtube under "Ravi Zacharias International Ministries".
How to Find:
When you go on Youtube, type in the search box, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. Then click the link that takes you directly to their Youtube channel. When you get to their page/channel, click the "search" magnifying glass symbol. Type in Nabeel Qureshi and hit enter. The first video that comes up on this page is the one to watch.
Nabell also had a volg on Youtube. If you type in his name on Youtube, the first 2 videos to come up are the ones to watch first. If you Google his name, his website comes up as the first link on Google's search page. I Highly encourage you to watch his story!
How to Find:
When you go on Youtube, type in the search box, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. Then click the link that takes you directly to their Youtube channel. When you get to their page/channel, click the "search" magnifying glass symbol. Type in Nabeel Qureshi and hit enter. The first video that comes up on this page is the one to watch.
Nabell also had a volg on Youtube. If you type in his name on Youtube, the first 2 videos to come up are the ones to watch first. If you Google his name, his website comes up as the first link on Google's search page. I Highly encourage you to watch his story!
Book Suggestions:
*The Harbinger by Johnathan Cahn-shows biblically and historically what is behind the War on Terror, 9/11, financial issues. It has been on New York’s bestseller list for quite awhile. VERY eye opening and informative. Can find book and audio version at a reasonable price on Johnathan Cahn recently released a new book, The Mystery of the Shemitah which is very eye opening!
*Books by Gail Riplinger-shows
what version of the Bible is the most accurate, why and how other versions have
been drastically changed in a negative sense.
My most favorite of her books is "New Age Bible Versions." A very fascinating, enlightening read! You can find her books on
Bible Study Resources:
* - You can listen to a short commentary of
a chapter of the Bible online and be sent the small study guide that goes w/
each book, for free, by calling- 1-800-65-BIBLE
* books, discipleship resources, tracts)
Very Reasonably Priced Gospel Tracts
* International Tract Ministry, Taylor MI
(They can sell up to 1,000 tracts, variety, for only $10.00.
* Chick Publications-
(The tracts are in cartoon form, but with the Gospel clearly presented. Tracts are written and available for children, teens, adults, different religions, and holidays.)
(The tracts are in cartoon form, but with the Gospel clearly presented. Tracts are written and available for children, teens, adults, different religions, and holidays.)
News From a Christian Perspective:
You can watch his weekly tv, news show on this site. He gives news from the world and also shows its significance in light of Scripture, prophecy. Very encouraging, enlightening ad applicable for our day!
I would highly encourage that you frequently check this site for the truth regarding world news!
Listen to Sermons Online:
(Click Recent Preaching for a list of current and older sermon series)
(Scroll down a bit, look on the left hand side of the screen for the blue box that says "Live Streaming. You can watch past preaching services and also watch live.)
The Voice Of the Martyrs:
(This ministry is a favorite of mine and is doing an immense amount of good in relieving the suffering of Christians overseas, helping to meet the needs of families who have had a loved one martyred for their faith and other practical and biblical helps.)
Godly Music:
Good, Bible Believing Churches-Within the US and Overseas:
(Use the following link and click on the tab "Church Directory" for an A-Z list of churches across the US that preach unashamedly from God's Word and stand by it.
If you live outside the US, on the same "Church Directory" page, click on "International Churches> Click Here" link. ("International Churches" is highlighted in red.)
(UPDATE: The above website no longer lists Bible based churches in the US and overseas. They do however offer a church listing in their monthly Sword of the Lord newspaper that you can find/read online. Click this tab, scroll down a bit for the links that say "The SWORD OF THE LORD Newspaper" or "Electronic Sword of the Lord". They also offer a listing of Bible colleges and seminaries in the newspaper as well.)
Churches in Maryland/Washington DC:
(Excellent sermons under "sermons" on the home page! Pastor preaches with conviction, straight from God's Word, but teaches in a way that you learn how to apply God's Word to your everyday life in a practical way.)
Churches in Pennsylvania:
Church in Indiana:
Christian Homes/Ministries for Troubled Girls:
* (Excellent place!)
A Ministry of Prayer:
(An excellent ministry to get the church involved in praying for each other in practical and spiritual ways! A powerful tool in the hands of Believers to help us realize the power of prayer, see results, to draw us close to other Believers and develop/strengthen Christ like unity in the church. A much needed tool for any church or small group!)
How to Get a Bible:
Here is a link to purchase a Bible:
Based on extensive research, I believe that the King James Version of the Bible is the most accurate version and has not been tampered, tweaked or revised to fit our modern culture's viewpoint of it.
For more info. on that, scroll back up the page a bit and look for the book titles by Gail Riplinger under 'Book Suggestions'.
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