Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Devot. Learning Lessons on Faith

HI Folks,
I hope you had a very blessed weekend and had a good start to your week!
I found this devot. about 2 weeks ago and thought this should be the next one:)
In the midst of trials, troubles, difficulties', the times when our faith is tested, God's love for us is woven through each experience.
This passage:
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+pet.+1%3A3-9&version=KJV explains that our risen Saviour has prepared a wonderful home in Heaven for us.   And even though we go through trials and troubles, they are very spiritually precious times and we will be blessed for it enduring it when our Savior comes back for us.   We also love the Lord, even if we haven't seen Him yet.
I pray the below devot. is a big blessing to your week.   The song link below also ties in beautifully with the devot . 
Lord bless you and yours this week!
Go to this website:   https://www.dayspring.com/
Scroll down to the bottom
Under More click on Stories
On this page, scroll down and bit and click on Circle 3-Our devot, "Learning Lesson On Faith: God's Love is the Common Thread" is the first devot. on the page.


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