Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Devot. When Your Faith Wavers

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a blessed weekend filled with a sense of God being right there with you!
I am going to start a series on faith this week.   I've had this set aside for awhile and feel now is the time to release it. 
 I will be sending the faith devots.  in the order that I feel the Lord leading.  This one spoke to my heart as I had some very real moments last week  when I had to keep asking the Lord to help me have faith regarding a very important prayer request.  The Lord always has a way, after the fact, of showing me that He has been listening the whole time and was simply bringing forth the answer to my prayers in His own, perfect timing:)

Also since this Friday is the March for Life in DC, I wanted to remind us that life matters to God. Whether it's a little one in the beginning weeks of life-remember I stated in a devot.
in Nov. that a baby's heart starts to beat 14 days after conception, it's the first organ that develops- or an older person in the golden years of life, God sees each person as a precious SOUL that He died for, loves, who needs saving, and who He created in His image and for His glory (Gen. 1:26, Isa. 43:7).  
We have been at one end of the spectrum and, if we live long enough, will come to the other. Our society sadly does not seem to respect either spectrum  in life. 
I have added a link of the true story of two courageous young ladies in light of Right to Life.  
Pray it amazes your heart! Lord bless you and yours this week! 
Story: http://marchforlife.org/, Click BLOG at the top of the site, then scroll down for The Power of One: Rebekah's Story or The Power of One: Alexandra's Story.  Both are amazing!  Taken from http://marchforlife.org/)

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