Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Devot. The President's Heart

Hello Folks,

I hope you had a good weekend!

I hope you didn't groan when you saw the devot.'s title and yes I know what Friday is-Inauguration Day.   I wanted to offer encouragement from Scripture and give a reminder again that God is in control, He knows what He is doing, He sets up powers and ordains authorities for HIS own good reasons (Daniel 2:21 and Romans 13:1).

But now is the time to pray, as this devot. highly encourages, to pray for those who are elected-for God's wisdom in their life.  That is when good, godly differences are made-when men place themselves in God's hands, acknowledge that they don't know everything and need His help and guidance.

I have included 4 Scripture links and the devot. below that I pray will re-remind you that God is in control.

 May the Lord send you His presence and week this week!

Scriptures taken from and used by permission.   (Remember that this was written during the times of the Casers-the current system of authority.  But it modern terms it would mean our current authority figures-presidents, congressmen etc...)

Devot.  (Used by permission.   Taken from

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