Thursday, January 26, 2017

Devot. The Unperfect Substance

Hi Folks,

I hope you had a super week! 

The devot for today is in honor of the March for Life which is being held tomorrow in Washington DC.

I had never seen/read this one before and thought it was amazing!   The end paragraph of
the devot. shows that if an infant dies before they have had a chance to add years to their life (miscarriage, pass away at birth, their infant/toddler years), that child will be with the Lord automatically.

The basis we have for this is in the Old Testament.  King David's infant son died at birth and David said that the child could not return to him, but he could go to him ( join him in Heaven) (2 Sam. 12:23:

It's an amazing bit of truth there!    

Pray the devot.  gives you something to ponder this weekend.  Lord bless you!

Devot.  (Used by permission.   Taken from

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