Saturday, January 21, 2017

Devot. Honor to Whom Honor

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a super week!  The devot. is an Inaugural Devot. and the last one for this term around:)
It is a reminder that Scriptures admonishes us to respect positions of authority.   
Now, we don't have to agree with the PERSON in authority or their policies  (I'm sure that the Christian's in Nero's time didn't agree with his governmental policies of exterminating them.), but the POSITION should be respected. 
And Scripture does also encourage us to pray for the PERSON:)   Godly changes only occur with prayer, they don't happen on their own.
I hope this devot. reminds you to pray for the POSITION of those in authority and to pray for God's wisdom for those in authority.   It makes a difference, folks!
Lord send you His peace and presence this weekend!  

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