Thursday, November 18, 2021

Devot. Seeing the Unseen

 Hi Folks,

This devot. is for next week, but I read it today and it is so timely for things going on in my life right now.

Pray that the Lord uses it to bless your life in a tremendous way when you read it next week:)

Also, below the devotional is a link for a very inspirational book (FREE) that I have loved and given to as many friends as I can! The stories within the book are completely true and a true inspiration to strengthen your faith in Jesus!  Consider ordering it for yourself 
(As I said it's FREE!) or for a friend. 
God Bless your week!

Seeing the Unseen:
(Used by permission.  Taken from - Everything Christian For Less
The Voice of the Martyrs
Hearts of FIreRequest your complimentary copy of Hearts of Fire

Eight courageous women — though separated by geography, they share similar experiences of hardship, subjugation and persecution, all because of their faith in Christ.

Get your copy of The Voice of the Martyrs’ bestseller, Hearts of Fire — free for a limited time.

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