Thursday, November 18, 2021

Devot. Parents and Children

 HI Folks,

I hope you had a good weekend celebrating Father's Day with family and friends.  I was praying for you all, as I know Father's Day isn't necessarily an easy day for some based on many things.   

I can think of my own mom saying that, when she accepted Jesus as her Savior, it was easy to see Him  as her Heavenly Father because of the wonderful father she had.  Yet for a friend of mine they didn't have a stable father in their life, so  the day isn't necessarily easy but yet they have come to claim the fact that the Lord Jesus claims them as His child because of their faith in Him (Galatians 3:26). 

The devots. we have below cover various stages in life and are for the current and future parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle-whether your title is biological, adopted or you have been given the title by someone who claims you as their family.   For those that are currently one of the above, you can learn much; for one who will be receiving this title in the future you can still learn much:)

I found a quote today that said, "The best inheritance you can leave a child is to teach them to love Jesus."  We can teach the young people in our lives to be responsible, moral, upright citizens, but if we have not taught them The Word of God, to accept and love Jesus as their Savior, we are leaving out the very foundation in their lives.  Without Jesus, they will not have a compass to steer them in life, much more the hope of being in Heaven with Him. It's serious...... 

From the time I was a baby, my mom took everyday moments to point me to Jesus, by her actions and words, praying I would one day receive Him as my Savior and learn to love and desire to serve Him with my life.  All these years later, she still points me to Jesus in everyday life.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and 11:19-21 is a specific command to the Nation of Israel (which we can make application to our lives as Christians today) for them to teach their children the Word of God during every moment of every day-while awake, while going to sleep, while walking, writing the Word of God in their homes (I think of modern Scripture pics or plaques in a home).  God meant for us to tangibly pass His Word onto our children, it is a command which reaps eternal benefits (not just in their souls being saved from hell, but in  then seeing God use them for His greater plan). 
The Lord really burdened my heart last week to share this with you this week.  Below are devots. that cover childhood, teen years and adult kids.   Pick whichever one fits your stage in life-as one who can currently or in the future influence the lives of children and young people.  I pray you gain much, as we can influence the current and next generation for eternity. I would also encourage you to check out the above verses from Deuteronomy in your Bible-they speak volumes!  Have a blessed week!

Devots. taken from are used by permission. 
Devots. taken from used by permission.

What the Father Says about Fathers:

4 Words for Parents of Teens:

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