Thursday, November 18, 2021

Devot. 7 Days of Preparing Our Hearts for Thanksgiving

 Hi Folks,

Happy week before Thanksgiving week!  

I was reflecting last week on all that I have, much of which many do not have. 
Whether it's more sweaters in my closet than I can use, a warm home, a good working car, 
I've been realizing how much I do not need in order to exist and how much I can give away to others in need.
After a trip overseas to India this summer, my heart was deeply touched by the poverty, the homeless I saw sleeping on the streets, the hungry children I saw begging......
It made a profound impact on my heart and life and in a way that I never want to forget...

Psalm 107:1-2,8 says, "O give thanks unto the Lord, (a command!!) for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, (verbalize it!)... Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!
(Oh that people WOULD give thanks to the Lord)."  

Verse 8 is repeated 4 times in the 43 verses in this chapter...Whenever a verse, phase, sentence is repeated multiple times in the Bible, seen in both the Old and New Testament or repeated in the same chapter multiple times, God is trying to drive a point home!!!   He wishes to be thanked for His goodness!!!! 

(The definition of goodness is kindness, generosity or beneficial: 

He wishes that we would thank Him for his kindness, generosity to us...We have food on the table have because God has blessed us with a job, we are alive because God has given us breath for the day, we are saved by faith in Jesus because He was willing to die a horrible death for us....Do we ever think to thank Him on a daily basis or just on Thanksgiving??? 

I found a quote by a Christian band that says, "You don't have to wait for a special day to be thankful.  Give thanks every day."  (Toby Mac #SpeakLife) and 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 states, "Rejoice always,  pray without ceasing,  in everything give thanksfor this is the will of God (God's plan for us) in Christ Jesus for you."

Below are some devots that I hope will give you spiritual food for thought, allow God to work on your heart and prepare it for Thanksgiving.    Have a blessed week!

7 Days of Preparing Our Hearts for Thanksgiving: 
(USed by permission. Taken from

Devot. Seeing the Unseen

 Hi Folks,

This devot. is for next week, but I read it today and it is so timely for things going on in my life right now.

Pray that the Lord uses it to bless your life in a tremendous way when you read it next week:)

Also, below the devotional is a link for a very inspirational book (FREE) that I have loved and given to as many friends as I can! The stories within the book are completely true and a true inspiration to strengthen your faith in Jesus!  Consider ordering it for yourself 
(As I said it's FREE!) or for a friend. 
God Bless your week!

Seeing the Unseen:
(Used by permission.  Taken from - Everything Christian For Less
The Voice of the Martyrs
Hearts of FIreRequest your complimentary copy of Hearts of Fire

Eight courageous women — though separated by geography, they share similar experiences of hardship, subjugation and persecution, all because of their faith in Christ.

Get your copy of The Voice of the Martyrs’ bestseller, Hearts of Fire — free for a limited time.

Request Your Free Copy

Devot. Overcoming Temptation

 Hi Folks,

I don't know about you, but the Evil One has ways of 'getting to me', esp. when I am tired, hungry, something negative has happened, or I have not been reading my Bible or praying. 
He knows my weak spots, and sometimes can attack very hard.  I've heard many preachers say that the battlefield in our lives that Satan can attack the hardest is our minds. Battles can be fought, won or lost, just based on that.

We are told in Philippians 4:7, And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep (guard) your heart and minds through Christ Jesus."

We are also told in 2 Corinthians 10:3-56, "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not [a]carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,  casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,  and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled."   

God encourages us that the weapons He has given us to fight the battlefield of the mind is not physical or human, but is spiritual but we many times have to do spiritual battle to win. 

Below is a devot, but the youtube link under that is what made a big difference in my spiritual life and I would highly encourage you to break it into segments in the next few weeks and listen to it. A friend of my family is the one speaking (his wife told me it is meant to be shared) and I thought it was excellent. Be encouraged, there is hope of winning the battle against our minds being bombarded by anything from temptation to discouragement.  Blessings!

Overcoming Temptation:
(Used by permission. Taken from

Where are Your Thoughts Taking You?:  Mr. Fred Schwig 

Devot. Made By God's Hand

 Hi Folks,

I found this devotional  in my inbox and felt it were an incredible 'piggy back' to the previous devot. I posted.
As I read the devot., I knew I should post it.  I am hoping and praying it would be a special blessing to someone who really needs a reminder from God that they are made with love, care and perfection by the Creator of the Universe, God Almighty. 

Scriptures that God Made Us:
(Used by permission.  Taken from

Devot. God Has a Purpose

 Hi Folks,

I hope you had a restful weekend.  I'm sure all of us have those moments, days, months where we think, "Dear Lord, what on earth are doing?  Why did You allow this to happen?  I cannot see the good You could bring out of this? I don't understand? What is your purpose in this? "  Or "What purpose do I have on earth?  Why did God make me?"

I've heard pastors in my life say that sometimes God allows us to see why things happen in our lives, sometimes we will not see until we reach Heaven God's reason for things.  It's in those moments, that God asks us to trust Him.

I know trust can be hard, painful, a lesson that takes awhile to learn (believe me, I understand more than you know).  But I have learned in those hard spots, that God can be trusted, He knows what He is doing far better than I do, He is trying to 'grow me' if I would but trust Him......

On the other hand, God does have a purpose for you, most esp. for those who have put their faith and trust in Jesus.  He says in Psalm 139 that you "are fearfully and wonderfully made", meaning that He created you with great excitement, perfectly just as you are, a masterpiece formed by His own hand.  Esp. for those who have trusted Jesus, He did not save from an eternity in hell you to sit, soak, sour or stick on a wall somewhere, He created you to serve HIS special purpose and be used by Him!

Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are His workmanship, (word actually means 'poem') created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."  

I pray the 3 devots. below are a beautiful encouragement that God sees you and wishes to use your life for His praise and glory!

God Has a Purpose: 
(Used by permission. Taken from

A Prayer for Our Purpose:
(Used by permission.  Taken from

Scriptures that God Has a Purpose for Us:

Devot. The Faithfulness of God

 Hi Folks,

Have you ever thought of what the word 'faithfulness' implies?  
Maybe you think of it in regards to marriage vows-someone who will be loyal to you always.  Maybe you think of it in regards to a best friend, someone who is always there when you call or need someone to listen to you.  

Faithfulness means "loyalty," "constancy,'' "devotion," "trueness or true-heartedness." 

The biblical definition is :  Faithfulness comes from a place of trust and loyalty. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is a confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” 

As a Christian, it is important to be faithful to God. ... Faithfulness requires us to submit our ways to God."

What I wish you to catch is the "faithfulness", "loyalty,", "constancy" of God to His children, those who have put their faith and trust in Him for salvation.  

Jesus said in John 6 that for those who have put their faith in Him for salvation, "All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."  The Lord Jesus will never abandon you, He will always be constant , faithful.   I have seen this in my own life in the last 3 plus years.   

My family and I have had some hard, painful, tough mountains to climb but we have seen God at work, in getting us over the mountains.  We may have some bumps and bruises, but we have an ever greater awareness of how God has been faithful to see us through to the other side because of our struggles, we have seen it!

Devot. What Freedom Really Means

 HI Folks,

I hope you had a blessed 4th of July with family and friends!  

Below are 2 encouraging devotions, the story of a war hero who found Jesus through his courageous battle as a POW that I found super inspiring (LOVED IT!) and a bit of history-a refresher on what the colors in our  flag stand for.  At a time when folks are more apt to disrespect it than honor it, I thought a reminder wouldn't be a bad thing:)

Hope you have a super weekend!

Foundation of Faith:
(Used by permission. Taken from

What Freedom Really Means:
(Used by permission.  Taken from

Story of An American War Hero:

What Do the Colors of the US Flag Mean:

Catching Up and Blogging!

 Hi Dear Readers,

I hope everyone is doing well! Happy week before Thanksgiving!
I have been away for an extended period of time and have not had a chance to post!

The devots. you will now see on the blog are some devotions I have written in recent months, but did not have a chance to share.  

I pray that as I post and catch up, you will find many of the devotionals to be a great blessing in your life or the life of someone else (feel free to share the blog and pass along! :)


Devot. Parents and Children

 HI Folks,

I hope you had a good weekend celebrating Father's Day with family and friends.  I was praying for you all, as I know Father's Day isn't necessarily an easy day for some based on many things.   

I can think of my own mom saying that, when she accepted Jesus as her Savior, it was easy to see Him  as her Heavenly Father because of the wonderful father she had.  Yet for a friend of mine they didn't have a stable father in their life, so  the day isn't necessarily easy but yet they have come to claim the fact that the Lord Jesus claims them as His child because of their faith in Him (Galatians 3:26). 

The devots. we have below cover various stages in life and are for the current and future parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle-whether your title is biological, adopted or you have been given the title by someone who claims you as their family.   For those that are currently one of the above, you can learn much; for one who will be receiving this title in the future you can still learn much:)

I found a quote today that said, "The best inheritance you can leave a child is to teach them to love Jesus."  We can teach the young people in our lives to be responsible, moral, upright citizens, but if we have not taught them The Word of God, to accept and love Jesus as their Savior, we are leaving out the very foundation in their lives.  Without Jesus, they will not have a compass to steer them in life, much more the hope of being in Heaven with Him. It's serious...... 

From the time I was a baby, my mom took everyday moments to point me to Jesus, by her actions and words, praying I would one day receive Him as my Savior and learn to love and desire to serve Him with my life.  All these years later, she still points me to Jesus in everyday life.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and 11:19-21 is a specific command to the Nation of Israel (which we can make application to our lives as Christians today) for them to teach their children the Word of God during every moment of every day-while awake, while going to sleep, while walking, writing the Word of God in their homes (I think of modern Scripture pics or plaques in a home).  God meant for us to tangibly pass His Word onto our children, it is a command which reaps eternal benefits (not just in their souls being saved from hell, but in  then seeing God use them for His greater plan). 
The Lord really burdened my heart last week to share this with you this week.  Below are devots. that cover childhood, teen years and adult kids.   Pick whichever one fits your stage in life-as one who can currently or in the future influence the lives of children and young people.  I pray you gain much, as we can influence the current and next generation for eternity. I would also encourage you to check out the above verses from Deuteronomy in your Bible-they speak volumes!  Have a blessed week!

Devots. taken from are used by permission. 
Devots. taken from used by permission.

What the Father Says about Fathers:

4 Words for Parents of Teens: