Friday, April 23, 2021

Devot. Making an Impact

 Hi Folks,

I hope you had a  good week!! 

I was thinking last week of leaving a legacy, making an impact and I was reflecting on someone I know.   She is 90, a very sweet Christian lady who loves Jesus with all her heart, has served Him with her life since she accepted Him as her Savior and makes the time to pray for others.  She recently had Covid and those that loved her were preparing for her to possibly "Go Home to be with the Lord."   

I had a mutual friend, a young woman somewhere in her late 30's-early 40's say that this dear lady had 'made an impact on her life.'   I know that when my friend came to know Jesus as Lord and Savior that our dear older friend took her under her wing to teach her how to abandon any sin in the past that had gotten in the way between her and the Lord, how to live a godly life and be a godly, loving wife.    This older friend of ours had made a lasting, and especially eternal impact on my friend's life.   

In Titus 2, older women are encouraged to teach the young women how to be good moms, wives and love the Lord.  This dear older lady did just that.  And yet I remember her sharing with me that before she came to know Jesus as her Savior when she was in her 40's, she lived a life that was not godly.  
She shared that she used to cuss like a sailor-which if you knew this lady, you would find extremely hard to believe:). 
But Jesus came in, changed her life, she wished to serve Him with the years she had left, and she is now helping to encourage others in a godly direction through her love, godly wisdom, and prayers.   (FYI, she is recovering from Covid and doing just fine, which is amazing!)

Could someone say the same of us-that we made an eternal difference in their life because we showcased the Savior to them, showed them from The Bible how to live our lives for Him, prayed for them?? Not so that we receive the accolades, but that they in turn made a difference for eternity and God was glorified through it all???  That is what has been on my mind the last 2 weeks.

Below are 3 devots. for you to enjoy and learn from this next week and a song that goes along with our theme. The lyrics are very powerful.   I pray that you learn something life changing from The Word and that the Lord opens your eyes to see how He can use YOU to make a difference for HIM. God bless!

(Devots. used by permission. Taken from

A Lasting Impact:  
(Used by permission.  Taken from

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