Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Devot. Where is Jesus in Covid-19?

Hi Folks,
I hope you are having a good week!

I have two devots. below, both I hope will encourage your hearts at this time along with a link of a simple way to help hungry children at this time. 

You know,  I believe the God is using this whole situation in our world to bring people to a saving knowledge of Him, to shake people out of their apathy-whether they are a Christian who has wandered away from a close walk with the Lord, who someone who is not a Christian and  God is reaching out them to become apart of His family ("We are the children of God through faith in Jesus Christ"-Galatians 3:26).  God is wishing to get ahold of hearts one more time.  

Even though some of the situations are very painful, tough, scary, God will do whatever it takes to bring a soul to an a personal relationship with Him, in order that they might have the chance to spending eternity with Him.  

A verse came to mind this week in regards to how God protects those who have already trusted Him as their Savior.  Ps. 91:11, "For he (God) shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways." God gives His angels to watch over us wherever we go-the store for groceries, the bank, out for a walk.....

You are under the Lord's protection this week, rest in that.   Lord bless you and yours!

Where is Jesus in Covid-19:
(Used by permission.   Taken from

Hope for the Future:
(Used by permission.   Taken from

How to Help Hungry Kids During this Time:

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