Hi Folks,
I hope you are doing well this week!! Since we are entering July and will have the 4th upon us in a few days, I wanted to include a few short devots. on the history of our flag and most of the devots. also give some practical Bible truth to apply to our lives as well.
I ran across a petition this past weekend, from change.org, that was promoting changing how the American flag looks!!
They said it was ugly anyway and was no longer applicable to our country. If you have heard or seen this, please read the short history link below to brush up on the great history of our flag, you may need the knowledge for 'evidence' in coming against this absurdity, ignorance and great disgrace to our country, the men and women who founded it, fought for it, and are still dying for it.
I'm going to offer you and I a challenge for the weeks ahead: Pray with me, when you get up or go to sleep at night. Some things you could pray for are: a spirit of common sense and kindness in looking out for the health of others, God's truth to prevail, souls to see their personal need of Jesus and continued strength and health for our Frontlline workers. (I have "met" some via email in recent weeks, I tell you, in my book, they are TRUE HEROES!)
A friend reminded me last week that we need to be on our knees more than ever, and I will add, we need to pray for bravery, verbally or on social media, to stand against the craziness we are seeing across the US. We need a band of Patriotis to come forth as our nation birthed at its inception-who weren't afraid to fight or even die for religious liberty, acknowledging God as Creator, and who fought for our flag. God help us in these days ahead!!! Lord bless and keep you and yours this week!
A Prayer for this Week: (Devotionals below)
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Devots. used by permission. Taken from https://www.icr.org)
The Star:
How Long Shall the Standard Wave:
Liberty and the Word of God:
Short History of Our Flag:
~~ "If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. If you look at God, you'll be at rest." (Corrie Ten Boom- Christian Survivor of the Holocaust) ~ ~
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