Hi Folks,
I have a few devotional topics below (and a song link) that hit the nail on the head with where our country is right now. I am thankful to the Lord that He led me to these particular ones. They are perfect and I pray it will help us to look at the issues at hand from a Biblical perspective, which will bring clarity and reason to the situation.
As I look at our country, here are some of the things I am praying for:
~Common sense in all regards
~Folks to think of one another's interest ahead of their own (i.e. practicing social distancing and still wearing those masks out of consideration for the health of others, esp. the elderly or those w/ compromised health),
~Conviction for those who are doing wrong (destroying property or protesters who are hurting others)
~Protection on those who are protecting the lives of others (i.e. the law enforcement officers who are respectful of their badge, and whose only desire is to protect lives, even those who are rioting, to the point of sacrificing their own lives. ('One bad apple' does not mean the whole bunch has gone bad!!! That applies to any profession-you can have 'one bad apple', but that should not reflect on others of the same profession. War on law enforcement is actually going against God given authority as we will see below.)
~The Lord's peace to settle on our land.
(I have a petition below that was passed onto me. It is a call to pray for peace in our land. Pray you will sign and not be afraid to pass along!)
I pray the resources below, whether you pick one today, or look at one each day for the next week, will bring some clarity to your week. I have included a link for some comforting Scriptures and a song that is very timely as well. Lord bless and keep you and yours this week!
The Righteousness in Authority: (Very timely)
The Ordinances of Men: (Very good as well!!)
What Mean These Stones (Topic of Monuments-since so many of our monuments are coming down these days...):
Live for Today: (How can we 'light a candle' this week, make a difference, rather than contributing to the darkness in our world even more?)
Verses on Strength: https://www.countryliving.com/life/g31990757/bible-verses-about-strength/?slide=20
Song-Compassion Hymn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMR85VnEluM
Prayer/Petition for Peace:

As our nation struggles with fear and civil unrest over the horrific killing of an unarmed black man by a Minneapolis police officer, I am asking you to sign the petition joining with me and AFA in a season of prevailing prayer for our country. I'm convinced that only prayer and repentance will truly heal our land. The Bible says in Hebrews 4:16 (ESV), "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."
Just as Coach Tony Dungy so wisely tweeted this past weekend, those of us who call ourselves Christians must "demonstrate the qualities of the One we claim to follow, Jesus Christ." Coach Dungy has said he prayed about his response and offers some very sound biblical advice for us to "overcome evil with good." You can read his entire tweet here.
Please, for the future of every American, sign the petition joining with me and AFA in a season of prevailing prayer for our country.
Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association |
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