Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Devot. God's Memorial Day

Hi Folks,  This one I am posting about a month after the fact, but it's on the topic of Memorial Day:)

I hope you had a restful Memorial Day remembering those who have served our country.

I was praying for the families who no longer have a loved one with them or those who have a loved one serving at this time.   From all the articles I have read, Memorial Day has a different flavor for military families than it does for us.   It's more serious and a time to truly reflect on those who paid the ultimate price and those in harms way, more than just having a picnic or setting off fire works.... These special families certainly need our prayers.....

I have a link with some Memorial Day Scriptures and maybe when you read it, you will offer up a prayer tonight for these amazing military families.   I also hope the devotional below is a bit of food for thought for this week.

Have a blessed week!

Devot. God's Memorial Day:  (Used by permission.  Taken from

(Used by permission.   Taken from

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