Hi Folks,
I hope you and your families are doing well. Wow, what a week we have seen in the news-in the US and even overseas protests have been occurring. But for today, I'm not going to dwell on the negative, but instead show you some HOPE.
I have been following a church whose city is having peaceful protests. This church, and others I have been following online, are putting the weight of guilt on themselves, asking themselves how to bring racial unity within their own church/community and then literally spending time crying and praying to God for His peace, asking "What can I personally do to bring your peace, healing and racial reconciliation to my city?" They are looking at the issue from a biblical perspective, digging through Scripture to find "What does this all mean?"
One church's head pastor (whose ethnicity is American/Syrian and whose church has different ethnicitiesin it) posted this on the church's Twitter page: "To all my minority brothers and sisters: I’m mourning with you over the recent, blatant displays of racism and injustice. I know this is exhausting and heart wrenching. Know @BaltimoreRCC and I love you and will fight against injustice with you and for you. Praying for you."
They also posted on their instagram page: "The church will not be an example of racial healing until we feel the weight of communal guilt and shame and then allow it to push us into the truth." (#BetheBridgeBook-Latasha Morrison)
I have been impressed and encouraged by the active role many churches are taking to bring about change. Change starts in the church house, with folks who are followers of Christ and through our prayers. We have Someone in our lives who can make all the difference in every heart looking for peace, justice and healing.
I have several things below:
1. If you are feeling fearful/anxious at this time, devots. along those topics are below.
2. I have a link that individuals or churches can participate in on the church and racial reconciliation from a Bible standpoint.
Looks like it is being offered for free.
3. Lastly, I have a petition I would please ask you to consider signing and passing on.
You may remember the terror organization, Boko Haram that broke into a school and kidnapped many young ladies. Some have been freed, but one 17 year old young lady is still being held by this terror group after 3 years. The petition below is calling on her to be released!!! Please consider signing and passing along!
Lord bless and keep you and your families this week!
Lord bless and keep you and your families this week!
(Devots. used by permission.
Taken from http://dayspring.com/articles)
Courage Instead of Fear:
God's Power in You:
Worry or Peace:
Resource for individuals and churches on racial reconciliation: https://www.namb.net/undivided/
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