Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Devot. 4th of July

Hi Folks,
I hope you are doing well this week!!  Since we are entering July and will have the 4th upon us in a few days, I wanted to include a few short devots. on the history of our flag and most of the devots. also give some practical Bible truth to apply to our lives as well.

I ran across a petition this past weekend, from change.org, that was promoting changing how the American flag looks!!  
They said it was ugly anyway and was no longer applicable to our country.  If you have heard or seen this, please read the short history link below to brush up on the great history of our flag, you may need the knowledge for 'evidence' in coming against this absurdity, ignorance and great disgrace to our country, the men and women who founded it, fought for it, and are still dying for it.   

I'm going to offer you and I a challenge for the weeks ahead:  Pray with me, when you get up or go to sleep at night.  Some things you could pray for are: a spirit of common sense and kindness in looking out for the health of others, God's truth to prevail, souls to see their personal need of Jesus and continued strength and health for our Frontlline workers.  (I have "met" some via email in recent weeks, I tell you, in my book, they are TRUE HEROES!)    

A friend reminded me last week that we need to be on our knees more than ever, and I will add, we need to pray for bravery, verbally or on social media, to stand against the craziness we are seeing across the US.  We need a band of Patriotis to come forth as our nation birthed at its inception-who weren't afraid to fight or even die for religious liberty, acknowledging God as Creator,  and who fought for our flag.   God help us in these days ahead!!!    Lord bless and keep you and yours this week! 

A Prayer for this Week:  (Devotionals below)
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A Prayer for God
to be Glorified

Dear God, 
It’s Your name that is honored from generation to generation. You alone are worthy of all glory and praise. 
And You are not shocked by the state of the world right now. Your ways are not our ways, and You are not at a loss about what to do. Nothing is impossible for You. 
So today, we are proclaiming that You will be glorified through this pandemic. That Your name will be known and praised throughout the earth. 
Pierce the darkness with Your light. Shine brighter than the fear of death, economic ruin, or a long quarantine. 
When we look back on this moment in history, would we be filled with joy as we remember the revival, hope, and peace that came out of this season. 
Continue to draw this hurting world back to You. 
In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 
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Devots. used by permission.  Taken from https://www.icr.org)
The Star:

How Long Shall the Standard Wave:

Liberty and the Word of God: 

Short History of Our Flag:

~~ "If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed.  If you look at God, you'll be at rest." (Corrie Ten Boom- Christian Survivor of the Holocaust) ~ ~

Devot. God as Our Father

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a good weekend!!  I have a few Father's Day devots. below, but they do not apply just to the guys.

Galatians 3:26 says, "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus."   I was having a conversation with someone yesterday and I was explaining that the moment they trusted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and only way of getting to Heaven, they were adopted into God's Family, they became one of God's kids through their faith in Jesus Christ.   

I explained that just as an adoptive child is brought into a family, is made their rightful child and legally cannot be disowned, when someone trusts Jesus as their Savior, they become God's child, are brought into His family and can never be disowned.  John 1:12 says, "But as many as received him (i.e. accept Jesus to be their Savior), to them gave he power (the right) to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: (have trusted Him for salvation)."   Galatians  4:6 says, “And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, (Meaning "Papa," "Daddy") Father.” 

Based on this verse, only to those who have personally, once and for all trusted Jesus as their Savior, can they be given the right to call God their "Daddy", but what a humble privilege it is to be able to say that you are one of God's kids!!!!

If Father's Day is not the easiest of days for you because your dad was not active in your life, or was very much there, but is no longer-if you have trusted Christ as your Personal Saviour- then you can take heart that you still have a Father who loves you unconditionally and is there for you 100%.    Hebrews 13:5 states (speaking of God), "for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."

I pray that whatever devot. you pick below is an encouragement to you-whether you are a dad, an uncle, someone that could have an impact on the life of a child by your godly testimony and involvement in their lives or you need a reminder that God your Father is with you at this time.

I have also included something at the very end of the devots. I received and copied this week.  At this time in history, many are searching for answers even to the question, "Where will I go when this life is over?"  The info. below will give you a chance to let someone else hear the good news that God can be their Savior and Father as well!!  Read the details and see what you could do to give someone else the chance that you were given-to hear that Jesus saves!   

Have a blessed week!

What the Father says about Fathers:

God as Father: (Loved this one!)

Knowing God as Our Father: 
(Used by permission.  Taken from https://www.intouch.org/read/magazine/daily-devotions)

Abba, Father: 
(Used by permission.  Taken from https://www.icr.org)

Born Into God's Family:
(Used by permission. Taken from https://www.icr.org)

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God Is Not the Author of Evil
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At a time when many are searching for hope in politics, entertainment, and worldly comforts, this is the time to flood social media with the Truth of the Gospel! No matter how dark things may seem, the light of Jesus can reach anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Watch this brand-new video from Dr. Michael Youssef — a simple and powerful presentation of the Good News of Jesus — and share it with your friends and family today.
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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Devot. Authority, Monuments, Living Our Lives Today

Hi Folks,

I have a few devotional topics below (and a song link) that hit the nail on the head with where our country is right now.  I am thankful to the Lord that He led me to these particular ones.   They are perfect and I pray it will help us to look at the issues at hand from a Biblical perspective, which will bring clarity and reason to the situation. 

As I look at our country, here are some of the things I am praying for:

~Common sense in all regards

~Folks to think of one another's interest ahead of their own (i.e. practicing social distancing and still wearing those masks out of consideration for the health of others, esp. the elderly or those w/ compromised health), 

~Conviction for those who are doing wrong (destroying property or protesters who are hurting others)

~Protection on those who are protecting the lives of others (i.e. the law enforcement officers who are respectful of their badge, and whose only desire is to protect lives, even those who are rioting, to the point of sacrificing their own lives.  ('One bad apple' does not mean the whole bunch has gone bad!!! That applies to any profession-you can have 'one bad apple', but that should not reflect on others of the same profession. War on law enforcement is actually going against God given authority as we will see below.)  

~The Lord's peace to settle on our land.  
 (I have a petition below that was passed onto me.  It is a call to pray for peace in our land.  Pray you will sign and not be afraid to pass along!) 

I pray the resources below, whether you pick one today, or look at one each day for the next week, will bring some clarity to your week.    I have included a link for some comforting Scriptures and a song that is very timely as well.    Lord bless and keep you and yours this week!

The Righteousness in Authority:  (Very timely)

The Ordinances of Men: (Very good as well!!)

What Mean These Stones (Topic of Monuments-since so many of our monuments are coming down these days...):

Live for Today: (How can we 'light a candle' this week, make a difference, rather than contributing to the darkness in our world even more?)

Prayer/Petition for Peace:
American Family Association
As our nation struggles with fear and civil unrest over the horrific killing of an unarmed black man by a Minneapolis police officer, I am asking you to sign the petition joining with me and AFA in a season of prevailing prayer for our country. I'm convinced that only prayer and repentance will truly heal our land. The Bible says in Hebrews 4:16 (ESV), "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."
Just as Coach Tony Dungy so wisely tweeted this past weekend, those of us who call ourselves Christians must "demonstrate the qualities of the One we claim to follow, Jesus Christ." Coach Dungy has said he prayed about his response and offers some very sound biblical advice for us to "overcome evil with good." You can read his entire tweet here.
America is in a very sad place today. We have seen a man die senselessly, at the hands of the very people who are supposed to be protecting our citizens. We have seen people protest this death by destroying property and dreams of people in their own community, the very people they are protesting for. We have many people pointing fingers of blame, painting the opposite side with a broad brush. We have anger and bitterness winning out over logic and reason. We have distrust and prejudice winning out over love and respect.
What happened to George Floyd was inexcusable and it should never happen. Justice needs to be served, but in seeking justice we can't fall into the trap of prejudging every police officer we see. What started out as peaceful protests have devolved into arson and looting and that should never happen, either. Yes there should be protest. But we do not have license to perform criminal acts because we're angry.
Today we are a divided country. We're divided racially, politically, and socio-economically. And Satan is laughing at us because that is exactly what he wants. Dysfunction, mistrust, and hatred help his kingdom flourish.
Well, what is the answer then? I believe it has to start with those of us who claim to be Christians. We have to come to the forefront and demonstrate the qualities of the One we claim to follow, Jesus Christ. We can't be silent. As Dr. King said many years ago, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere!" But we can’t go forward with judgmental, bitter spirits. We need to be proactive, but do it in the spirit of trying to help make things better. And it can’t be just the African American churches. It has to be ALL churches taking a stand and saying "We are going to be on the forefront of meaningful dialogue and meaningful change." We have to be willing to speak the truth in love but we have to recognize that we are not fighting against other people. We are fighting against Satan and his kingdom of spiritual darkness.
In the words of the Apostle Paul, "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Roman 12:21, NIV).
Please, for the future of every American, sign the petition joining with me and AFA in a season of prevailing prayer for our country.
Tim Wildmon, President 
American Family Association

Devot. Courage, God's Power, Racial Reconciliation

Hi Folks,

I hope you and your families are doing well.  Wow, what a week we have seen in the news-in the US and even overseas protests have been occurring.  But for today, I'm not going to dwell on the negative, but instead show you some HOPE.

I have been following a church whose city is having peaceful protests. This church, and others I have been following online, are putting the weight of guilt on themselves, asking themselves how to bring racial unity within their own church/community and then literally spending time crying and praying to God for His peace, asking "What can I personally do to bring your peace, healing and racial reconciliation to my city?"   They are looking at the issue from a biblical perspective, digging through Scripture to find "What does this all mean?"   

One church's head pastor (whose ethnicity is American/Syrian and whose church has different ethnicitiesin it) posted this on the church's Twitter page: "To all my minority brothers and sisters: I’m mourning with you over the recent, blatant displays of racism and injustice. I know this is exhausting and heart wrenching. Know @BaltimoreRCC and I love you and will fight against injustice with you and for you. Praying for you."

They also posted on their instagram page: "The church will not be an example of racial healing until we feel the weight of communal guilt and shame and then allow it to push us into the truth." (#BetheBridgeBook-Latasha Morrison)

I have been impressed and encouraged by the active role many churches are taking to bring about change. Change starts in the church house, with folks who are followers of Christ and through our prayers. We have Someone in our lives who can make all the difference in every heart looking for peace, justice and healing.

I have several things below:  
1. If you are feeling fearful/anxious at this time, devots. along those topics are below.

2. I have a link that individuals or churches can participate in on the church and racial reconciliation from a Bible standpoint.
Looks like it is being offered for free.

3. Lastly, I have a petition I would please ask you to consider signing and passing on.  
You may remember the terror organization, Boko Haram that broke into a school and kidnapped many young ladies. Some have been freed, but one 17 year old young lady is still being held by this terror group after 3 years. The petition below is calling on her to be released!!! Please consider signing and passing along!

Lord bless and keep you and your families this week!

(Devots. used by permission.   

Courage Instead of Fear: 

God's Power in You:

Worry or Peace:

Resource for individuals and churches on racial reconciliation: https://www.namb.net/undivided/ 


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They viciously stole her childhood.
We've just taken direct action to help save her life.
Christian teen Leah Sharibu just turned 17, but there was no celebrating. She spent her third consecutive birthday as a hostageof Nigeria's brutal Islamic militia Boko Haram.
Sign the Petition Now
Brave Leah refuses to renounce her Christian faith. Now she remains in the clutches of vicious terrorists, who have threatened to kill her or enslave her for life.
This courageous young Christian is trapped in a living nightmare. Since her violent abduction on February 19, 2018, Leah's heartbroken parents haven't seen her. Haven't been able to hug her or talk to her.
What if she were your daughter? As a father, it's truly unthinkable.
Her captors have threatened to kill her or enslave her for life. She's running out of time.
The Nigerian government has promised to help obtain her freedom, but without results.
We just presented a critical written submission at the U.N. Human Rights Council urging swift international action to SAVE LEAH'S LIFE.
This travesty must end. Leah must be saved. We need your voice before it's too late.
Jordan Sekulow
ACLJ Executive Director

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