Monday, September 2, 2019

Devot. For the Troubled Heart

Hi Folks,

I hope you had a peaceful weekend.   The word that came to my mind this weekend that we could look at together is "Discouragement" or "Despair."  

I know that we all have days where it looks like life is overwhelming, it's more than we can take to make it though one more day and its obligations.   So what do we do?  Who to we go to for help?

First of all we don't lose our moorings-We work to stay close to Jesus everyday, we continue to lift up our requests and heart cries to the Lord in prayer throughout the day.   We also try to find physical rest through our week so that we can recharge our emotional and physical batteries.  

Below are 3 devots. that look into these areas closer.  You can look into whichever one fits where you are right now.  I hope they will give you hope and encouragement in these areas and will give you a boost this week if you are feeling down or discouraged.

I also included a song link, the message which comes from Scripture, which has encouraged my heart to listen to:)

Lord bless you and yours this week!

For the Troubled Heart:  (This one mentions Christmas,but the heart of the Devot. is a good one!
(Used by permission. Taken from

4 Scriptures to Help With Big Life Changes 

How to Intentionally Plan for Rest: 

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