Friday, February 8, 2019

Devot. Reset Your Home for the New Year

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a good week and are healthy, well and safe. 
Our devot. for today is on resetting our home for the New Year.  Now that Christmas is over with, our homes go back to looking like "normal" and that can be depressing for now. 
In general, once the Christmas and New Year season is over with, many folks suffer with depression and listlessness because there is nothing to look forward to.
So how can we re-establish our homes for the New Year, but in a way that brings in hope, encouragement, and the Lord's peace, presence?  How can we set up our homes with reminds of the "word" God has given to us in the new year (Remember the devot. last week on finding a word for the New Year,  that comes from Scripture that you can use to encourage, strengthen, challenge  yourself each day in 2019?)
This devot. gives some practical ideas of how to reset our homes in an  intentional, Christlike way that will give encouragement to those in our home. Thought this devot. was very neat and so useful!  I have also included a link with an article "Prayer for the New Year."  It was a great blessing to my hear and I felt strongly that the Lord wanted me to include it in the devot. for you this week.  
Pray both articles encourage your heart.

Also, if you haven't gotten around to doing the Word for 209 Quiz, consider doing it this weekend or a night when you have a few minutes of downtime.   I am finally working and thinking through my quiz today.  It's short, but thought provoking in the questions that it asks. I realize that I will wander aimlessly though 2019, fulfilling my obligations and doing my job without having a Christ centered goal for the New Year if I don't sit down and think,  "What do I wish accomplish for the Lord for this year?   How can I be used for His glory and for make a difference in an eternal way?   Looking forward to finding the word that suits the season of my life right now! :)
Lord bless you and yours this weekend!
P.S. While it is on my mind and freezing temps are hitting many parts of the US, keep your eyes and ears open to animals being left outside that should not be  or do not have proper/or any shelter.  
Call your local Animal Care and Control or even animal rescue if you see an animal that is chained or roaming around outside w/o shelter or not enough shelter or longer than normal periods of time-more than just letting a dog out for a break.  
You can ask to remain anonymous if they ask for your name and number.  Just provide an adequate street address/description of the property so rescue personal can find the location quickly.
This could range from dogs, cats to horses or even rabbits.   I have a heart for animals in spots like this and it happens way too much, so I felt lead to pass on the info.
 (Articles are Read and Share.   Taken from

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