Hi Folks,
I hope you had a good week! I am going to make a deviation in our devotional theme this week. I know I said that we were starting a series on "The Power of" and then a Bible principle like forgiveness or The Gospel, but I felt the Lord leading me in a different direction this week.
Our devot. will be a throwback to last to January's holiday-Martin Luther King Jr. Day. How did a pastor lead the Civil Rights Movement and was his motive behind the movement?
You know, our world is changing so rapidly. If you blink you just may miss all the changes taking place. From a Biblical perspective, many, if not all, of those changes are not good ones. What the Bible states as moral and just, is considered incorrect, and visa versa; human life-from the youngest to the oldest person- is not valued, respected or sacred; criminals do not pay for their crimes to the fullest extent, and in general, folks do not show kindness and respect toward each other as they should.
I think our Founding Fathers would turn over in their graves if they saw what our country is turning into and I think it breaks God's heart when he sees what His world is becoming.
What ever happened to "Life (the sanctity of it regardless if you are a tiny baby in womb or an older person in a nursing home, liberty (that includes religious freedom) and the pursuit of happiness?"
You know there, is Biblical basis for this. Jesus made a statement in Matthew 24:7, a prediction of what the world would one day become, "And because iniquity (sin) shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold (people would stop showing kindness, care toward their fellow man)." There are several verses beforehand where Jesus predicted other things that would happen in the world and it sounds exactly like the world we are living in today.
So...How does this apply to us, what can we do and what does Martin Luther King Jr. have to do with it? We can combat a world of disrespect of mankind and disregard for God's Word by showing the love of Jesus to those around us, having the courage and honestly to speak The Truth in love (what is started in Scripture), as there are folks who desire to know the truth, and Pastor King's desire was that we show the Lord of Christ.
Romans 12:9-10 states, " Let love be without dissimulation (pretense). Abhor (hate)that which is evil; cleave (hold onto) to that which is good. Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; (think of others ahead of oneself)."
Jesus said in John 13:35 that people would know that we are His disciples if we had love one toward another (He was especially referring to folks knowing we are His disciples if we show care toward those who are also Believers in Him.)
I pray this devot. would be useful and inspiring to your week. We will continue one with the topic as well-showing Christ's love-Lord willing, next week as well.
Lord bless you and yours this weekend!
(Read and Share. Taken from https://www.dayspring.com/)
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