Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Devot. Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a good weekend and a great start to your week!
For our devot. this week, I'm taking a passage of Scripture that shares the value of human, unborn life, and breaking it down.  Our devot. for today comes from Psalm 139:13-18 (specifically from verse 14).

(Verse 13): "For thou hast possessed (control,owned) my reins (essence of a person-mind, spirit, heart): thou hast covered (be a protection to, concealed, to be a covering to)me in my mother's womb."
~God had control of and over my growing form.  He protected, hid and covered me in my mother's womb (i.e. think of the amniotic fluid has the God given means of protecting a baby while in womb). 

(Verse 14): I will praise thee; for I am fearfully (to show reverence for)and wonderfully made(very fine, remarkable, amazing, in a manner to excite): marvelous (causing great wonder, awesome, magnificent) are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." 
~I choose to praise the Lord because I was made with reverence by God Himself.  He made me in a remarkable and amazing way that caused Him to get excited!  God's works are magnificent and awesome and my souls acknowledges it.
(Verse 15): My substance (the essential material forming a thing; your makeup) was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret,(not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others.) and curiously wrought (Adj.-of metals- beaten out or shaped by hammering) in the lowest parts of the earth." 
~The Lord saw every stage of my development with His own eyes.  My being, genetic makeup, and each cell wasn't unknown to God.  Even though my mom may not have known she was expecting me, God saw me and He formed and shaped my being Himself.

(Verse 16): Thine eyes did see my substance,(our being)yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members (body parts)were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them."  
~God saw my being and that it would be unperfect, not because He could not do a perfect job, but because of the sin nature I would be born with and that is in the world.  And yet, God had written down each inward and outward body part that I was supposed to have long before He had formed them.  

(Verse 17): How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!   
~How valuable and dear are the thoughts of the Lord about me!  He thinks about me so much!

(Verse 18): If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee."
~If I could count all the times God thinks about me, they are more numerous than the sands on the sea shore. When I am awake, God is with me.

Folks, please contemplate these verses of Scripture this week.  This was you at some point in the past!  You may have been unknown to the world around you, but God knew about you! He choose to make you.   He fashioned you with His own hands into the person you are today.
Now, think about these verses in the context of an innocent, unborn baby that doesn't have a say in whether He is created or even born.......

I wish to leave you with a really neat video I found.  It was an answer to my prayers.  I wanted to start this devot. by giving some facts about an unborn baby's development, but was having a hard time compiling it.  Then I found this video, which 'hit the spot' perfectly. 
As we watch this video and listen to this song, which was created from our above passage of Scripture, think back to our devot. from last week.  
First, Remember the value that God places on each life.
Then ask ourselves: Do we think as God thinks?  Do we value life as He does?
We will pick up on this topic next week (I have a good devot. already picked out:).

Pray this would touch to your heart and fill your mind with God's truth this week.  How we desperately need God's Truth in our hearts and mind every day!

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