Saturday, July 15, 2017

Devot. The Power of Prayer

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a good week! 
The devot. for this weekend is on the power of prayer, how amazingly powerful it is when we
lift up a prayer to the God of all creation!  
I also wanted to give you the title of a book, a small book, on prayer that has recharged my mom's prayer life and simply explains how to pray and what to pray for.   It has been an absolutely amazing book and I know she would encourage you to get it because of the impact it has made on our lives as a whole.
On detail from it I will share that my mentioned to me, is that as we pray, we should have the mental picture of going before God's Throne in Heaven (Ps. 11:4, 45:6, 103:19, Matt. 5:354, 22:23, Isa. 66:1, Rev.4:1-6, 20:11) and lifting up our petitions and request to Him.   
We aren't just lifting up words, we are standing in the Throne Room of the God of all!
Anyone who has trusted Jesus as their Savior and way to Heaven has access to God and an audience with the King of all Kings!
I hope that this devot. encourages your heart this weekend.   Lord bless you and yours!

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