Thursday, December 1, 2016

Devot. Loaded with Blessings

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a peaceful and blessed week!
 In the devot, today it refers to the end of the year, meaning the author of this devot. wrote it at the end of December in preparation for a new year.   But when I saw the devot. and read it, it spoke to me of Thanksgiving. 
I referenced a hymn last week, Count Your Many Blessings.   I wanted to include a link that shows the rest of the verses.   It truly shows that if we count our blessings  we will be surprised at how much we have, instead of how little.
Also when I think of God's blessings, the below song comes to mind.   
 I heard it years ago, but it has always stuck in my mind and blessed my heart.
Pray it blesses you as well!   May the Lord bless and keep you and yours this weekend.
Devot.  (Used by permission.   Taken from
Count Your Many Blessings:  (You will need to scroll down a bit for lyrics)

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