Thursday, May 19, 2022

Devot. Showing Christ Like Love to Others

 Hello Folks,

I hope you had a super week!!!  

Below are some practical ways that we can express God's love to others.... Jesus said in John 13:35, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."
Jesus was saying, "People will know that you love and follow me, especially if you show Christian love towards each other."   
The connotation and context of this verse (based on verse 34)  is Christians showing Christ-like love to other Christians,  but we can also apply it more broadly.  

I remember a Christian in my circle of friends relating that folks where he worked said to him, "You're different, you're not like everyone else.   What makes you different?"  They were then able to share that Christ made the difference in their lives.  These folks saw Christ in him and felt His love through them.

Below are 2 practical devots. on how we can reflect Christ's love to those who need to see that He can make a difference in their lives.

Have a blessed weekend! 

(Devot. used by permission.

6 Ways to Show Love this Year: 

A Recipe for Love from Ephesians 4:

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