Thursday, May 19, 2022

Devot. Journey to the Cross-Quiet Time and Facing Sin

 Hello Folks,

I hope you have had a good week!!  

I am going to start moving into some "Resurrection Week devots."

I pray the below are a blessing, give you something to think about.

I am also including a link below the devots. that a dear friend sent to me.  It's a Brother in Christ, a Ukraine Refugee speaking about  the situation in Ukraine (it's only 20 minutes).  (Several New Testament Scriptures state that for those who have trusted Christ, they are Brothers and Sisters in Christ to one another).  As I said a few weeks ago, the only way to get the truth, know what's really going on, is from those who have lived it.   From what I have watched so far, I think it will bless your heart.   

Have a blessed weekend! 

(Devots. used by permission.   Taken from

Journey to the Cross: Quiet Time 

Journey to the Cross: Facing Sin

Testimony from a Ukraine Christian Refugee:

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