Thursday, May 19, 2022

Devot. Mother's Day

 HI Folks,

I hope you have had a good week!  Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers-those who are biological/adopted moms,  biological/ adoptive aunties and those ladies (young and old alike) who are making a spiritual impact  as a mother in the lives of those around them.   For any who have lost their mothers, my prayers will be with you this weekend for the Lord to comfort your hearts.

I pray the below would be a blessing to some mother, or you know a mom who could be greatly blessed by it.  I have said to my own mother many times that I can see (from the lives of the moms around me) that mothers are superheroes and deserve recognition, support and honor for what they go through to raise Godly children to love Jesus.  It's tough, hard, painful work!   I remember a homeschool mother of 4 that I know saying to me once, "I'm raising these children with eternity (Heaven) in mind. That is my main priority right now."  She was encouraging them to personally accept the Lord Jesus as their personal Savior and then love, serve and honor Him now and for the rest of their lives and she knew that was her purpose for this point in her life, and she took it seriously. 

For those that are mothers in any way, may the Lord bless you for the love, care you have invested in your children!  

I pray the below devots. and podcast are a blessing to your weekend.  Below the podcast is some info from a well known, reputable organization if you would care to help a momma overseas someway.  (This organization has been on the front lines of helping in Ukraine as well).

Lord bless your weekend!

Devot. She Shall Be Praised: (From Prov. 31:)
(Used by permission.  Taken from

Devot. 3 Reasons Your Mess Makes You a Great Momma:
(Used by permission.  Taken from

Podcast: Humility: A Mom's Secret Weapon

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