Friday, April 23, 2021

Devot. Making an Impact

 Hi Folks,

I hope you had a  good week!! 

I was thinking last week of leaving a legacy, making an impact and I was reflecting on someone I know.   She is 90, a very sweet Christian lady who loves Jesus with all her heart, has served Him with her life since she accepted Him as her Savior and makes the time to pray for others.  She recently had Covid and those that loved her were preparing for her to possibly "Go Home to be with the Lord."   

I had a mutual friend, a young woman somewhere in her late 30's-early 40's say that this dear lady had 'made an impact on her life.'   I know that when my friend came to know Jesus as Lord and Savior that our dear older friend took her under her wing to teach her how to abandon any sin in the past that had gotten in the way between her and the Lord, how to live a godly life and be a godly, loving wife.    This older friend of ours had made a lasting, and especially eternal impact on my friend's life.   

In Titus 2, older women are encouraged to teach the young women how to be good moms, wives and love the Lord.  This dear older lady did just that.  And yet I remember her sharing with me that before she came to know Jesus as her Savior when she was in her 40's, she lived a life that was not godly.  
She shared that she used to cuss like a sailor-which if you knew this lady, you would find extremely hard to believe:). 
But Jesus came in, changed her life, she wished to serve Him with the years she had left, and she is now helping to encourage others in a godly direction through her love, godly wisdom, and prayers.   (FYI, she is recovering from Covid and doing just fine, which is amazing!)

Could someone say the same of us-that we made an eternal difference in their life because we showcased the Savior to them, showed them from The Bible how to live our lives for Him, prayed for them?? Not so that we receive the accolades, but that they in turn made a difference for eternity and God was glorified through it all???  That is what has been on my mind the last 2 weeks.

Below are 3 devots. for you to enjoy and learn from this next week and a song that goes along with our theme. The lyrics are very powerful.   I pray that you learn something life changing from The Word and that the Lord opens your eyes to see how He can use YOU to make a difference for HIM. God bless!

(Devots. used by permission. Taken from

A Lasting Impact:  
(Used by permission.  Taken from

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Devot. The Tomb is Empty, Our Hearts are Full !

 Hi Folks,

I hope you had a great Resurrection Weekend!!  A friend of mine emailed me on Saturday and wished me "Happy Risen Savior Day!"  Loved that!!!  It embodies everything and hits the nail squarely on the head!! 

Just as an FYI, if you did not know, .."in English-speaking countries, and in Germany, Easter takes its name from a pagan goddess from Anglo-Saxon England who was described in a book by the eighth-century English monk Bede. 'Eostre was a goddess of spring or renewal and that's why her feast is attached to the vernal equinox,' Professor Cusack said"-   

That is what many Christians like myself refer to this day instead as "Resurrection Day", which embodies the true meaning of this day:)

I have a devots. for you, both of which I hope you take the time to read through the week.   I think it give spiritual food for thought, teach you something and will also encourage your heart and faith in the Lord this week. 

Have a blessed week!!

The Tomb is Empty, Our Hearts Are Full:  
(Used by permission. Taken from

Song: Because He Lives (not the traditional one, but similar words, new tune, very powerful):

Devot. When Jesus said "It is Finished," He was Talking About You!

 Hi Folks,

I pray you are having a blessed day reflecting on Jesus' sacrifice, His death for you and looking forward to celebrating His resurrection on Sunday.  

I was thinking of 2 things today:  Thought 1.  The value of your soul to the Lord is very precious.  His death and suffering was for you!!!   (The first devot. focuses on this.) 

I found a quote the other day that stood out to me in regards to this,  "Over two thousand years ago, Jesus ended the debate on which lives matter.  He died for all.(Toby Mac #speaklife).    
Romans 2:11 states, "For there is no respect of persons with God."  God sees each person as equal in His sight and He died for all (that includes you!).  "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Thought 2.   If Christ had not risen from the dead, our faith would be useful, hollow, in vain.   
1 Corinthians 15:14 says that , ".....if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty."  The hinge point of the Christian faith is Christ's resurrection-we do not serve a dead Saviour, we serve a LIVING SAVIOUR, so we can rejoice this weekend!!  (The second devot. focuses on that topic)

I have below our devots.,a song that matches with Devotional 1 and is very powerful (please take a listen), links for 2 church services that livestream (and have been a tremendous encouragement to me, please check one or both out this Sunday or even after the fact), details for Sight and Sound's production "Jesus" airing tonight and a link for an "Resurrection Musical" called The Living Cross (I've included a link and you can pick which year you would like to watch.  Each one has a different theme.)  (I think the kids could enjoy either play as well:).  

I pray that you and yours have a blessed Resurrection Weekend!!

When Jesus Said "It is Finished", He was Talking About You: (Really liked this one!)
(Used by permission.   Taken from

In person and Livestreamed Resurrection Services: 
(Even though this post is after the fact, still tune in! The services and sermons were great!

10:45 service:
(move cursor to 25:16 for a beautiful song and then the preaching)

6PM service:
move cursor to 20:30 for a beautiful song and then the preaching)

(9 and 11Am and 1PM on Sunday) 
Even if you do not have Facebook, if you click the Facebook link, you may have come up "See more of Redemption City Church on Facebook" "log into your account"(something like that), just click "not now" and you can still go to the page.  I know for a fact you can watch services after the fact via doing it this way too :)

Sight and Sound: Jesus


A Special Live Broadcast — Like Never Before!

In just two short weeks, Sight & Sound will broadcast JESUS live from the Branson stage for one night only! Jesus was a man who strapped on His sandals, rolled up His sleeves, embraced the untouchables, and reached into the lives of those sinking beneath the storms of life. This production is not only a story about His life, it’s a story about His love.

Join viewers from all across the world for an Easter celebration unlike any other — Friday, April 2, exclusively on Sight & Sound TV. 

Start Planning Your Watch Party!

Hosting a JESUS live watch party is the perfect way to bring Easter to life for your loved ones. Specifically designed with group viewing in mind, this timeless story of relentless love was meant to be shared! The pay-what-you-want feature allows you to consider the size of your group when making your purchase. Call up your neighbors, coordinate with your friends, and pre-purchase your event today! 

Stay Connected

This special event is an opportunity for us to come together from all over the world and celebrate Easter. But we don’t have to wait until then to get connected! Join us on Facebook and let us know where you’ll be watching from. Let’s journey together as we prepare for an Easter like no other!

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© 2021 Sight & Sound Theatres. All Rights Reserved.

 "Over two thousand years ago, Jesus ended the debate on which lives matter.  He died for all.(Toby Mac #speaklife)

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Devot. Jesus' Holiness and My Sin

 HI Folks,

I was looking for a devot. tonight and ran across one that is Easter related.   
Jesus' Journey to the Cross in light of my sin.   

Sin is not a popular term these days, in churches or in conversation in general, but Scripture says we are all sinners and do sin. 
 "As it is written, There is none righteous, (one who lives a perfect, godly sinless life) no, not one:.....For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"  (Romans 3:10, 23).     It's a fact and yet not one to be merely accepted as 'this is how we are.' 

Scripture says that it is our sin that nailed Jesus to the cross, our sin that He took upon Himself and paid for with His own blood (Colossians 2:14). We are not meant to take our salvation as a ticket to sin (fire insurance), remain in sin, but as a means of realizing how much more we need Jesus to live in a way that honors Him and His sacrifice (Romans 6:1,26).   For those who have trusted Jesus for salvation, He has forgiven your, He paid for them on the cross so you do not have to pay for them in hell apart from Him, (Scripture says we are 'justified' by our faith in Jesus-Romans 5:1-2) but do we live with that thought in mind-my sins are forgiven, do I appreciate how Jesus' paid for my sin?

I frequently ask myself, "Do I see my sin in light of who JESUS IS (holy, sinless and perfect) and WHAT HE DID FOR ME (His suffering on the cross)?"  And then I pray and ask Jesus to help me see HIM as HE IS (holy, sinless and perfect) in light of who I am (nothing like that).

Below are two devots to ponder in light of this. They are both excellent...Please read both of them carefully in the next week and then ask yourself that question.

"Do I seriously and personally understand Jesus' payment for my sin and do my actions, life honor what He did for me or not?"

"Do I see Him as He is in light of who I am?"

I will be pondering these questions as well.  

Lord bless you and yours this week! 

Journey to the Cross: Facing Sin 
(Used by permission.   Taken from

(Used by permission. Taken from

Devot. Waiting and Stillness

 Hi Folks,

The Lord has been bringing devotional topics to mind, but they have very much been based on my own life, walk with the Lord right now.  

Today's topic is "waiting and stillness," both of which are very hard to bear at times. 
I have been waiting for something for 3 years and a month. God has been working all through this waiting process, but it has come with sweat, tears, prayers, hard work, frustration, trials and strengthening of faith.   
At a time when I almost have this answer to prayer, for the last month there has been total stillness, silence.  I have no clue what is going on right now but I am reminding myself each day that God has HIS timing, it is perfect and to trust Him in the waiting and stillness (Isaiah 55:8-9-God's thoughts and ways are not our own). 
Just because I am not hearing anything does not mean that things are not happening or God is not working behind the scenes. He is asking that I lean harder on Him and grow from it. 

Isaiah 40:31 says, "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."  Isaiah 40:31

Based on my own experience, Waiting on the Lord is supposed to cause us to draw nearer to God for strength, encouragement, hope and in the process God will l give us HIS strength and grace, show His love, care and faithfulness to us that will spiritually build us up rather than tear us down-if we let Him:)

Below is an incredible devot. that was so timely for me this weekend.  God knew I needed it and I felt led to give it to you:)  I firmly believe that you will gain something spiritually vital to your life that God will use now or later to encourage you or someone else, so please make the time to read it.

I also wanted to tack on..I have been listening to podcasts a lot in the last few weeks for encouragement.   I have found A LOT of encouragement from podcasts from a Christian ministry for ladies, Revive Our Hearts.   I have linked one below for you ladies that REALLY blessed me.  It comes in 6 parts (about a 1/2 hour each) and I could NOT WAIT to listen to the next one! 

If you do not think you have the time to sit down and listen, listen while you work.  I did it while catching up on emails, cleaning the kitchen etc..... Listen while folding laundry or driving to work:). I know you will be blessed! 

Lord bless you and yours this week!

When God is Silent in Our Stillness:
(Used by permission. Taken from

Podcast:  Written into God's Script-Rahab:

"A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps."  Proverbs 16:9

Devot. My Weakness Versus God's Strength

 Hi Folks!

As I was thinking of a devotional topic, I reflected on my human weakness versus God's strength.  This weakness could be made manifest in my lack of patience, self control in grabbing for a sweet instead of salad or doing something that I know hurts God's heart versus making a wiser choice that would honor Him.

Many folks have told me that I am a strong person, but in the last 2 weeks the Lord has allowed me to see more clearly that without asking Him to  give me HIS Strength for the day ahead, I cannot be who HE wishes me to be-in any area of my life. 

I'm learning that God truly desires that I ask for His help at the start and through my day, He doesn't want me to rely on my own strength because it is imperfect.   
He wishes to be a part of my everyday life so He can use me to showcase HIM in a greater way through HIS strength. A pastor friend used to say on 4th of July that while we celebrate our "independence," we need to declare our "dependence" on God.
And is ok to do that-to rely on God's strength instead of your own.  God wired us that way, it just sometimes takes us a few times around  to help us to see how much we need Him.  

I have a few Scriptures below I want you to read and ponder, along with a devot..  Ask yourself, "How am I doing with relying on my own strength instead of God's?  If I think I am doing ok, how would things look if I did ask for His strength at the start of and through the day?  Would life be even better?"     I would challenge you to try that this week! :)

I have also included a song that has spoken to my heart in light of this. Don't just listen to the song, listen with your heart as well as your ears.   The song is Scriptural  in content and truth. It gave me a boost when I needed a reminder last week that God was with me, and will always give me HIS strength when I need it.  Have a blessed weekend!

John 15:5 (Jesus said this): 

Philippians 4:13

DEVOT. The Strength of the Lord:
(Used by permission.  Taken from

SONG: Big Enough:


Devot. Hope

 Hi Folks,

Our devotional topic for this week is "Hope."
I was watching our livestream church service 2 weeks ago and our pastor was commenting on how the world desperately lacks hope right now.  In many ways, our world is in a very hopeless state.  

I've read/watched articles that in the early months of the pandemic, young teens were committing suicide as they felt their lives were homeless after losing their school routine, friends, sports and much of their life.

Folks who had always had a job and home are now homeless, nurses are quitting their jobs because they cannot take the grueling toil of their workload, hours, and the death they see all around them.  Our country is more divided than it ever has been.  We are in a hopeless state. 

And yet....for those who have trusted Jesus Christ as their Lord (Master of their lives) and Savior (rescuer), they have a hope in Someone who will never leave or forsake them (Deuteronomy 31:6, Hebrews 13:5), who promises to provide for all their needs according to His riches (Philippians 4:19), who promises they are His children through faith in Him (Galatians 3:26), that nothing will separate them from His love (Romans 8:35-39).   That is Someone that is reliable, solid and Hopeful!

Below are 3 devots. that I found very hopeful (I esp. loved the first 2) that I pray will really encourage you this week and I've included a powerful song on hope (the principles are taken from many Scriptures and Biblical truths).   

I pray you have a very blessed week!

(Devots. Used by permission.  Taken from

Reality of Hope:

Prisoners of Hope: