Hello Folks,
Happy New Year to you and your families!
I hope you had a very blessed and special Christmas in spite of its difference compared to last year.
I was thinking tonight as I watched some countdowns to 2021 that most folks are happy to see this year end and I can understand that. This year has not been easy, it's been very tough for so many and my heart and prayers go out to our Frontline workers, those who have had Covid, lost a loved one due to it or are in financial distress. My heart hurts for them.
But for those of us who have made it through with less heartache, I am trying to not dwell on the turmoil that our world has endured, or even the hardships my own family has had to face, and instead my family and I have been reflecting and counting on our blessings, thanking God for taking care of us and thanking those who have stood by us.
I think of how faithful God has been to provide for our financial needs, our daily needs, even allowing us to keep our jobs. He has gotten us over some very high mountains, helped us ford some deep rivers and given us His grace and strength to make it to the other side with Him holding our hands.
I think of God's patience with me, the ways He has stretched me, helped me to grow and spiritually mature, how He has used me in the lives of others in spite of myself. I'm thankful for how He has "chipped away" at me.
I am honored to know some amazing Frontline workers and had the privilege to uplift them in prayer and encourage them through sending verses from the Word of God.
I have heard stories and seen first hand souls who have come to a personal saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and I believe that these unusual times have led to their hearts being open to the seeing their need of the Saviour.
I have seen heartache, and yet seen God at work and provide in powerful ways.
My point....As we enter the New Year, reflect back on the ways God has taken care of you and yours, helped you through difficulties, lift up a heartfelt prayer of thanks to the Lord for His graciousness to you and pray for those who are in need and ask God how He can use you this New Year to reflect Him and to even meet needs in the life of someone this year.
My mom recently said to me that, "All our trials, tribulations and distress are our avenues for God's glory." He can work in powerful ways, bring beauty from the ashes in spite of how painful or messy things are.
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)
The devots. below reflect where my heart and thoughts are right now and what I wish for each one of us. Each one is short, but gives a great deal of food for thought. I pray that the Lord uses whichever one you pick (or all 3:) to prepare your heart and life for the New Year. God bless you and your families!
(Devots used by permission and taken from https://www.icr.org/)
Remembering God Our Help:
The Land of Forgetfulness:
The World to Come:
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