Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Christmas Movies, Facts of Christmas Sermon, Devotionals

 Hi Folks,

I hope you are having a good week!  I have a number of things for you this week which I hope will be a big blessing to you and your families this week and next!  

I have linked some family friendly Christmas movies below that looked wonderful!
The Nativity Story I have watched twice this season and it gets better each time I watch it!!  The movie sticks to the Biblical storyline other than 3 liberties taken that are not true (just for your FYI:)
-Mary and Joseph did not have a near drowning experience in a lake; the Wise Men did not come at Jesus' birth, but when He was around 2 (Matthew 2:11-"young child" meant 2+) and Mary was more than thankful to accept Joseph's hand in marriage (rather than being grumpy about it) as the custom was to marry young, have a family (age expectancy in Bible days was only 50) so that a family's lineage could go on. 

We Three Kings is a brand new release this month and it gives the true story behind the Christmas carol.  It features some well known folks in the Christian music industry as well (Michael W. Smith is one).
I've seen the trailer and I can't wait to watch the whole film!

Chasing the Star is about the Wise Men and their long, audrius journey to find the Savior (they came from Persia, not the Orient as the carol states:) and it would have taken many months/miles to get to Him.
I watched the trailer and it looks thrilling, but I can't guarantee how close it sticks to the Bible story, but it looks interesting:)

The Christmas Candle I started to watch and the story line looks very sweet.  It was written by a well known, Christian author who is a fabulous storyteller, so I think it would be enjoyable to watch.  

The Facts of Christmas:  Sometimes it's hard to tell fact from fiction when you consider all the traditions of Christmas.  Unless you read the Christmas Story firsthand, it's hard to sort out.  My mom and I also listened to this sermon Sunday and I really enjoyed it!!  
It held my attention, I learned much and it was ideal for someone who had recently trusted Jesus as their Saviour, either in the last few years, weeks (the applications to life were great!), or for someone who needed a reminder of what happened in their life when they trusted Christ.  Would HIGHLY encourage a listen in snippets as you can, AND LISTEN TO THE END! (Move to the 22 minute mark for the sermon)

Devots.  Below are 3 devots. that I picked up. They go along beautifully with the sermon link above if you take a listen to it in the next 2 weeks.  

The 3rd devot. listed mentions Jesus saying that we did not praise Him or proclaim Him as Lord, (He was speaking to His disciples, but it could be applied to all who have trusted Christ), the very rocks they walked on would cry out!!  And if God said it, He means it!   Could not we praise Him this week, through listening/singing to Christmas carols or even by wishing someone "Merry Christmas" as a way to remind them of the True Meaning of the season right now???

I pray that the Lord richly blesses you and your family this Christmas week!  
God bless!

Devots.  (Used by permission.  Taken from 

The Wonder of God's Plan (This ties in great with the sermon link above!)

Good News for All the Earth: 

The Rocks, Stones, and Stars:

Family Movies:
Chasing the Stars:
The Christmas Candle (below):

A Timeless Holiday Film for the Entire Family
Max Lucado's classic film The Christmas Candle tells the story of the century-old legend of an angel who touches a single candle, and whoever lights this candle receives a miracle on Christmas Eve. Based on the bestselling book of the same name, The Christmas Candle is sure to inspire you with the hope that IS Christmas.

RevelationMedia is proud to offer this incredible film for a limited time for FREE. Simply use the link below, and enter your email address for an opportunity to stream the movie. 
Filmed in a late 1800s setting, The Christmas Candle is visually beautiful. It reveals a story of hope, prayer, and inspiring Christmas miracles. You don’t want to miss watching this heart-warming and encouraging movie.
Receive Two DVDs of The Christmas Candle When You Support RevelationMedia
This online film event is brought to you exclusively by RevelationMedia. Your support enables us to provide films like this as well as The Pilgrim's Progress, and our new iBIBLE (an interactive and visual Bible that brings the Scriptures to life) free to the global missions community. 

When you register to watch The Christmas Candle, you will also have an opportunity to make a contribution to RevelationMedia. Please prayerfully consider doing so. To show our appreciation for your support, we will send you two FREE DVDs of The Christmas Candle—one for you, and one to give as a gift!
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