Tuesday, February 11, 2020

How to Help Orphans in China at this time!!!

Hi Folks,
I know we are all watching the news regarding the Coronavirus.

The links below are very helpful in how to help the most innocent (the children)
who are caught in the middle of this disease.

The first link gave a very simple way to help orphans in China:
Buying and shipping face masks to them for them to ship overseas!

Maybe this would be something you would care to do one your own, buy a box of child or adult face masks or get your youth group, Boy/Girl Scout Troop, friends, church group, work team involved or know medical professionals who could have resources/connections to help. 

The second link is a letter written from a pastor in Wuhan China and it is meant to be shared with folks.  

Please free feel to Facebook or copy/email out both links, spread the word! 
Have a blessed day!

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