Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Devot. Loving in the Tough Times, God Will Use This, Remedy for Disappointment

Hi Folks,

I hope you are having a good week so far!     

I found the 3 devotionals below and found them very encouraging.   I think I have linked the 2nd one in the past, but I know a few of you are doing through some things,  thought it would be a good one for you.

If you are not going through a rough time,praise the Lord, but maybe a devot. below will prepare you for something ahead.   I've heard it said that we are either going through a trial, just getting through one or about to go through one (sorry, not trying to be discouraging), so what we learn how from God's Word will encourage us in the future.

Or maybe you know someone else could use the encouragement, so feel free to copy the links and pass along.

Pray you have a blessed week!

(Devots. used by permission.   Taken from

Loving in the Tough Times:

God Will Use This:

God Restores and Brings Joy:

The Remedy for Disappointment:  (This is a sweet one and a reminder that not only can God handle our feelings of disappointment, He can also provide for our needs in some incredible ways!)

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