Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Devot. Loving Others with Christ's Love

Hi Folks,

I hope you had a good start to your week!!  Since this week is Valentines Day, I have some Valentine themed devots.  I was just thinking today how couples or families can get caught up in celebrating with each other and forget those who
may not have family still alive, may still be single or may be elderly.    

I wanted to give a challenge to think of someone in your life this week (an elderly neighbor, a grandparent you haven't stayed in touch w/ as much as you should,  a co-worker who is single, someone who lost a spouse, doesn't have a close circle of friends, someone who made a difference in your life, like a mentor, and you lost touch with them) and send them a special note on Friday  (or give them a call or text).  

A letter or text doesn't have to be mushy, but rather encouraging, supportive, kind.   Show them the love of Christ by sending them an encouraging note, letting them know you are thinking about them, you hope they have a blessed day, include a Bible verse.   If you don't have time to go looking for a card, use https://www.dayspring.com for your card needs. 

Below are 8 devots. and you can choose the one (or two:) that look the most pertinent  to your life or the most interesting.  Each one has something that can be learned from it.   Lord bless you and yours this week!

(First 4 devots. used by permission.   Taken from https://www.icr.org/homepage/)

How to Love:
(Used by permission.  Taken from 

Knowing the Love of Christ:

The Greatest Love:

Love in the Old Testament: 

Five Ways to Express Love: (For Couples, but also centers around the family as well) 

Bless Your Friends on Valentines Day (For Singles): 

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