Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Devot. The Choice is Yours, Shining for Him, Worn Out

HI Folks,
I hope you are having a good day!

I have 3 devots. below, all kind of similar in genre, but yet different. 

The first one is about the choices we make each day.  
Will the choices I make today be God honored in every aspect (thought, word and deed) or be selfless, only thinking of me, not  others, not God, not making a difference for eternity today?

The second devotional is about allowing the Lord to shine though me in a way that reflects Him.

The third devotional is for those days where you feel like you can't keep going on for the Lord and what you can do to keep pressing forward.

I hope you have a super and blessed week!

(Used by permission.   Taken from

The Choice is Yours:

Shining for Him:

Worn Thin:

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Devot. Loving in the Tough Times, God Will Use This, Remedy for Disappointment

Hi Folks,

I hope you are having a good week so far!     

I found the 3 devotionals below and found them very encouraging.   I think I have linked the 2nd one in the past, but I know a few of you are doing through some things,  thought it would be a good one for you.

If you are not going through a rough time,praise the Lord, but maybe a devot. below will prepare you for something ahead.   I've heard it said that we are either going through a trial, just getting through one or about to go through one (sorry, not trying to be discouraging), so what we learn how from God's Word will encourage us in the future.

Or maybe you know someone else could use the encouragement, so feel free to copy the links and pass along.

Pray you have a blessed week!

(Devots. used by permission.   Taken from

Loving in the Tough Times:

God Will Use This:

God Restores and Brings Joy:

The Remedy for Disappointment:  (This is a sweet one and a reminder that not only can God handle our feelings of disappointment, He can also provide for our needs in some incredible ways!)

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Devot. Loving Others with Christ's Love

Hi Folks,

I hope you had a good start to your week!!  Since this week is Valentines Day, I have some Valentine themed devots.  I was just thinking today how couples or families can get caught up in celebrating with each other and forget those who
may not have family still alive, may still be single or may be elderly.    

I wanted to give a challenge to think of someone in your life this week (an elderly neighbor, a grandparent you haven't stayed in touch w/ as much as you should,  a co-worker who is single, someone who lost a spouse, doesn't have a close circle of friends, someone who made a difference in your life, like a mentor, and you lost touch with them) and send them a special note on Friday  (or give them a call or text).  

A letter or text doesn't have to be mushy, but rather encouraging, supportive, kind.   Show them the love of Christ by sending them an encouraging note, letting them know you are thinking about them, you hope they have a blessed day, include a Bible verse.   If you don't have time to go looking for a card, use for your card needs. 

Below are 8 devots. and you can choose the one (or two:) that look the most pertinent  to your life or the most interesting.  Each one has something that can be learned from it.   Lord bless you and yours this week!

(First 4 devots. used by permission.   Taken from

How to Love:
(Used by permission.  Taken from 

Knowing the Love of Christ:

The Greatest Love:

Love in the Old Testament: 

Five Ways to Express Love: (For Couples, but also centers around the family as well) 

Bless Your Friends on Valentines Day (For Singles): 

How to Help Orphans in China at this time!!!

Hi Folks,
I know we are all watching the news regarding the Coronavirus.

The links below are very helpful in how to help the most innocent (the children)
who are caught in the middle of this disease.

The first link gave a very simple way to help orphans in China:
Buying and shipping face masks to them for them to ship overseas!

Maybe this would be something you would care to do one your own, buy a box of child or adult face masks or get your youth group, Boy/Girl Scout Troop, friends, church group, work team involved or know medical professionals who could have resources/connections to help. 

The second link is a letter written from a pastor in Wuhan China and it is meant to be shared with folks.  

Please free feel to Facebook or copy/email out both links, spread the word! 
Have a blessed day!

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Devot. Beauty From Ashes

Hi Folks, 
I hope you are having a good weekend!  

I found this devot. to be encouraging.
It is a reminder that God can bring some of the most beautiful, God glorifying things out of situations that are so painful, difficult, and trying.   

Pray that this devot. reminds you this weekend that the Lord is with you no matter what you may be dealing with (and copy the link and pass onto someone who may be in need of encouragement.)   Lord bless you and yours!

Beauty from Ashes:

(Used with permission.  Taken from Folks,

Devot. The Holy Spirit's Ministry: Helping Us In Our Weakness

Hi Folks,
I found this devotional and thought it was perfect timing for me.  God knows what we need in our time of need, which is the focus of the devotional.    

I will also include a music link that ties in with this topic well.  A longtime friend of mine wrote the song, music and is the one singing.    

Pray the song and devot. are a blessing to your week.  Lord bless you and yours!

Devot. Used by permission.   Taken from

Click here to see the web version of this Days of Praise
 January 8, 2020
The Holy Spirit's Ministry: Helping Us in Our Weakness
“Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” (Romans 8:26)

When the Holy Spirit said He “helpeth our infirmities,” He caused Paul to coin the Greek word sunantilambanomai (translated “helpeth”). This very unusual and complicated term is only used twice in Scripture, once in our text and the other when Martha requested that Jesus tell Mary to “help” her wait on guests during a dinner at their home (Luke 10:40). This strong term insists on working together in the same task with the same enthusiasm.

We have astheneia (infirmities) and are unable to articulate the correct request. But the Holy Spirit makes huperentugchano (intercession) for us; again, a completely unusual word, adding the Greek preposition huper (above) to the basic word for “intercession” (used in Romans 8:27, 34; 11:2; Hebrews 7:25).

Then, the Holy Spirit uses stenagmos (groaning) that cannot be alaletos (stated), using two words unique to this very specific application. What seems to be in view by Paul is that the Holy Spirit makes a “sigh” in a way that only God Himself can understand, because the thought is “too deep” for words.

Whenever we find these words used in other Greek literature, they usually describe a sound that is emitted under either pain or ecstasy. How marvelous! HMM III
Institute for Creation Research - 1806 Royal Lane, Dallas TX 75229
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