Hi Folks,
I hope you had a good week!
I am wrapping up our series on the value God's places on human life, specifically unborn human life. I pray it has given you a chance to evaluate your mindset in the light of God's Word.
God says that each human life (that includes each of you!) is "fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139:14), and no one is an exception to the rule.
So, we know that legislative decisions are being made in regards to unborn life and the lives of unborn babies are on the line, so what can we do to make a difference?
Remember I mentioned that I had a Bible story for you that reminded me of what the US is battling right now?
In the first chapter of Exodus (Ex. 1:8-22), the king of Egypt saw that the number of Hebrews in the land of Egypt was growing and multiplying. He was starting to get scared that maybe the Hebrews would try to take over his kingdom, so he ordered that they be made slaves in Egyt and also that all male babies, were to be murdered as soon as they were born. There were though 2 very brave Jewish midwives who assisted the Egyptian and Hebrew women in childbirth. They steadfastly determined that they would not raise their hand to kill any Hebrew male boy that was born and they did so because they had a deep respect for God. They stood their ground for the sanctity of life, and God richly blessed their courage (Ex. 1:17,20,21)
We need more folks like this that will say, "Yes, I will take a stand, lift my voice in favor of letting the unborn/born infant live and have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!"
So what can we do? Pray, stay up to date on what is happening in our country, vote for folks that take seriously the value God places on life, regardless of what it costs them, sign petitions and vocally state to our folks in office that we are standing for life (God will bless them and us for it, just as He did the midwives in Exodus).
I have a number of things below for you to explore this week that encompasses the above areas I just stated.
I would also close by saying that if the Christian film UNPLANNED in still in theaters, you can see it on Netflix, get it on dvd after it is released, do yourself a great favor and watch it. (You also find clips and segments on youtube, just type in Abby Johnson or Unplanned. I did recently see that the full video itself had been posted as well).
I watched this film about a month back and it is a powerful true story of a Christian woman, Abby Johnson, who had 2 abortions herself, worked for Planned Parenthood but came face to face with truth. God's grace, mercy, forgiveness is clearly shown in this film and it is not judgmental in any way, but a true honest perspective is given and the ending of the story is powerfully beautiful! It is advertised as being for folks who are pro-life and pro-choice and Abby has said the message of the film is PRO-LOVE. If you want to have God do a work in your heart so you can see the value of life the way God does, I challenge you to watch this film!
Lord bless you and yours this weekend!
Article: Prayer Makes a Difference in abortion rates dropping: https://www.lifenews.com/2019/03/25/167-babies-saved-from-abortion-during-40-days-for-life-prayer-campaign-so-far/
Adoptioas a Choice instead of Abortion:https://www.myfaithvotes.org/articles/every-year-we-abort-1-5-million-babies-while-over-3-million-families-are-in-line-to-adopt (This is a subject very dear to my heart and very personal in my life for many reasons. One is that many of the friends I grew up with were adopted and given a chance at life when their mother could not take care of them.)
Get Involved/Find the Truth/Learn More:
~ https://40daysforlife.com/ (A Christian organization whose sole weapon is prayer (not political action) as a means to end abortion. They have proven stats that show, when folks pray for unborn lives to be sparred, abortion rates drop. Also, how you can find a local organization that is actively involved in praying that babies lives are saved in your city/state. This organization is a central part of the Unplanned film.)
~https://www.liveaction.org/ (Very informative website, articles and videos on the truth about abortion, folks who were pro-choice, now pro-life and what made them change their minds, plus much more.)
News-Keep up to date on what is happening in the pro-life/pro-choice war:
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