Saturday, May 25, 2019

Devot. Mother's Day, Part 1

Hi Folks,

I hope you had a very blessed weekend celebrating Mother's Day, whether it was celebrating as a mom/grandmom, auntie, or reflecting on what a good mom you had if she is no longer with you.   

My pastor was reminding us that mother's come in many forms-biological moms, spiritual moms, menotors-those ladies who influence others by reflecting and sharing the Lord Lord Jesus and leading others to Him through accepting Him as Lord and Savior in their personal lives, (which would make those folks her spiritual children), passing on a legacy of faith in Christ and making a difference by that example.   

The main thing to remember, whether you are a mother or not, is that if are you a lady who has trusted Jesus alone for salvation, you can have great influence on others in a a godly, Christ like way that would draw them closer to Jesus in such a way that they desire to know Him personally and live for Him in such a way that others will wish that they had Him in their life as well. 

Below are several devots. for you and you can pick what catches your eye, applies the most to your life or read them through the week:).  I have marked two with an asterisk  that I believe were the most powerful in context.  Now, these devots. don't just apply to the ladies:). 

Guys, feel free to pass onto your wives, moms, daughters ect...and read may learn something that you hadn't thought about regarding mothers and the vital role they have.

 Lord bless you and yours this week!

(Read and Share.   Taken from

A Blessing for Moms:

*A Mother's Day Story of Hope:

*The Legacy of a Christian Mom:

To Single Moms, On Mother's Day:

Encouraging Friends Through Seasons of Motherhood: 

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