Friday, November 9, 2018

Devot. Sermon, Petition

Hi Folks,
I hope you  are having a good week!   
Our devot. is from our Series Today is Your Best Day"  and focuses on being the Lord's servant.
Many of the New Testament  Men of Faith that the Lord inspired to write His book started their letters with their name and  "A servant of the Lord Jesus Christ."    These men saw themselves as humble servants who were given the very great privilege  by the Lord to write His words, share them with others and have their lives used for His glory and praise no matter the cost.
Have you ever had someone say that they felt "called" to be a missionary, pastor etc...?   All through the New Testament, men and women of faith were "called" (had God lay on their heart) and commissioned by the Lord Himself to serve Him with their lives.  We are called to do the same.
I have included another sermon link below entitled "Die Right."   The sermon from last week I included was entitled "Live Right."  The pastor who gave the message stated that in order to Die Right, we have to Live Right and also have a right perspective of death.   I can promise you that this sermon is not depressing,but rather practical, encouraging and has moments of humor.  It's only about 20 minutes long, so please check it out.
Lastly, remember the young lady (Leah) I mentioned last week that is still being held by Boko Haram because of her faith in Jesus.   I just had a petition and update sent to me by the American Center of Law and Justice.   Please sign, pass on and pray for Leah!   If only we had the same spiritual strength and fortitude to stand fast in our faith in Christ as this 15 year old has!   Lord help us all!
Lord bless you and yours this week!

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