Friday, November 9, 2018

Devot. The Pattern for Servanthood

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a peaceful week.
The devot. for today is showing us Who set a pattern of servanthood for us, Who blazed the trail of thinking of others ahead of ourselves, who gave His very life  because of the servant He was.  
Mark 10:45 states, "For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. "  [Ransom: "a means of deliverance or rescue from punishment for sin, especially the payment of a redemptive fine.]   Matthew 20:28 echoes these same exact words.
 We see all through the New Testament Gospel the Lord Jesus' selfless acts of love and kindness toward the outcast, the downtrodden, the sinner.  The pinnacle of this was His death for us, dying in our place when each of us deserves to pay our own sin debt and taking our hell for us when we really deserve to go there instead.   
Christ set the example of servanthood, and He asks us to do the same.  Practical ways would be opening the door for someone when you want to get into the store quickly, giving up a parking spot, letting someone change from the shoulder into your lane ( I know that's a tough one:), being patient with a slow checkout line.   I know these are simple areas, but an easy place to begin:)  I pray the devot. below gives you food for thought this weekend.
I have also included below an email I received from Marty Goetz (I have shared his music in the past).  He is a Messiah Jew who offers some words of comfort and reality as he mourns with God's Chosen People their recent loss 2 weekends ago (shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh PA). 
(Scripture says that the Jewish people are God's "chosen" special people and our Saviour was born into/came from the Jewish race.)  Pray it offers you some comfort as well.
Also as a closing note, this past Sunday was the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.
The link gives some info. in how to get your church involved  (for the future) and also shows a video clip of a Christian brother who is serving overseas in Pakistan in spite of persecution.  
Pray it inspires you this weekend!
Lord bless and keep you and yours this weekend.

Article below written by
IMG 1720

It's a Terrible Day in the Neighborhood

A longtime friend, whom I met while a student at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, wrote in an e-mail that the horrible shooting at the ‘Tree of Life’ Synagogue occurred in—literally—Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood! The Squirrel Hill community, home to the late Fred Rogers, is in mourning— and we share in their sorrow; sadness for lives so tragically lost and concern for the condition of our national life.
Anti-semitism is an ancient and historic hatred. Still, we are shocked to see it erupt in a quiet and peaceful neighborhood on a Saturday like so many others; a day of rest shattered by gunfire, hatred and death.
This ‘terrible day in the neighborhood’ is another reminder that we do not live in a land of make-believe ruled by a beneficent and kindly king; a sweet and childlike world springing from the imagination of Mister Rogers.
But—one day—we will live in an even better world; a ‘world to come,’ ruled by ‘Sar Shalom,’ our ‘Prince of Peace!’
We who believe in Yeshua-Jesus- look for His return to this place of violence, tears and fears; we long to live in HIS Kingdom of love; an eternal ‘shabbat’—an eternal sabbath rest.
However, we are aware those eternal promises may provide little solace for the dear people at ‘Tree of Life.’ For them, Shabbat has been forever altered, and their lives will never be the same.
And so, we join with all those who pray that the God of Israel will surround the people of Pittsburgh—particularly the Jewish community—with His help and His comfort; may He speak hope to their hurting hearts and whisper a promise for a better, a more beautiful day in their neighborhood, their country, their world.
In His Shalom, His Peace,
Marty Goetz and family
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