Hi Folks,
I hope you had a good week and are staying well!
Do you know someone who is a very giving person, who has a "servant's spirit?"
They are willing to do anything for anybody? Our devot. for today is entitled "Godly Servanthood"
They are willing to do anything for anybody? Our devot. for today is entitled "Godly Servanthood"
and it encourages us to look for someone who has a servant's spirit, and learn from them.
Hebrews 13:7 says, "Remember them which have the rule over you, (those who are leaders in the church) who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation (think about the Christian testimony and example that they have)."
You know the expression that some things are better "caught than taught." Someone we can be a good servant by learning selflessness through someone who is already actively serving the Lord.
The spirit of being a servant is contagious when you are around someone who loves to be a blessing, I can attest to that.
Pray that this devot. encourages you this weekend!
I also have an amazing update below on Asia! It's truly an answer to prayer, so keep them coming!
Lord bless you and yours this weekend.
(Used by permission. Taken from https://www.intouch.org)
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