Thursday, June 7, 2018

Devot. The Power of Blessing

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a good week! 
I am starting a series on Blessings from   They sent it to with Read and Share at the top, so I thought, "I Will Read and Share!"    This devot. is the first one in the series-The Power of Blessing.
In Old Testament times it was a very powerful act for a parent or grandparent to lay their hands on their child/grandchild and bless them. The blessing they gave had meaning and it was expected that that blessing would come to pass.
We see this in Genesis 27:1-41 when Isaac blessed his youngest son, Jacob instead of his oldest son, Esau (which was a very big deal in Bible days).  In Genesis 48:8-20 we see Jacob blessing his two grandsons, Joseph's boys.  In both of these passages, what was prayed over them did come to pass.
Think of it this way:  In general, our words have great power.    In the first chapter of Genesis (verses 3, 6 9, 11, 14, 16, 20, 24, 26), God spoke and the sky, water, plants, animal life came into being-just by speaking.  (Just as an FYI, Verses 22 and 28 of this chapter contain a blessing, spoken by God to His creation.)
Proverbs 18:21 states, Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."
What this verse is sharing is that we can speak words that are negative (death producing) or positive (life giving) and we reap the consequences of what we say. I can think of incidences in my own life where I said something very negative (death producing) out of frustration or ignorance,  and sure enough, what I said in happened!
Just as God brought the world into existence by His Words, our words can bring forth very negative consequences or very positive blessings. 
Now I am not referring to the Power of Positive Thinking-that actually isn't Biblical.    But Scripture is warning us that the spoken word does have power, our words are powerful.   Our speech can bring forth words of death, life and we reap the results of what we have said.
I pray the start of this series is a blessing to you and that you learn something very valuable .
Now this devot. applies to blessing children, but extend it to mean blessing anyone.    Lord bless you and yours this weekend!

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