Monday, November 13, 2017

The Miracle of Grace

HI Folks,
I hope you had a super weekend!  

This is a devot. I wrote 2 ago weeks for "Reformation Week" (See my devot. entitled "Happy Reformation Day" to get the background on this holiday).  I have several devots. that I have written and not posted, so I'm going to try and catch you all up this week:)
When I wrote this devot. I felt the Lord wanted me to send a devot. on Grace (God giving us what we do not deserve).
I love the word "Grace" and the fact that God gives "unmerited favor" to those who have trusted Him, in spite of the sinners that we are.
As you read this devot. and listen to the song link below, think about the devot. from Tuesday and the 5 principles that were the bases of the Reformation- Scripture Alone, Grace Alone ,Faith Alone, Christ Alone,
To God be the glory alone.
Pray you have a blessed week!

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