Thursday, November 23, 2017

10 Good Things About Gratitude

Hi Folks,
Happy Thanksgiving Day!   I pray you are having a blessed day!
How are you doing with being consciously thankful?  Thinking about all you have been blessed with
and lifting up a 'thank you' to the One who has showered us with blessings? 
I know that I have been more conscious of all that I have been blessed with.  Praying that the Attitude of Gratitude becomes a permanent, daily habit! 

Below is a "Gratitude" devot. in light of today being Thanksgiving Day.
Also below are 4 Thanksgiving songs you can listen to through the week as a way of  helping us to continue thanking the Lord consciously and daily.   Pray they are a blessing!
From my family to yours, Lord bless you and yours richly this Thanksgiving!
4 Songs of Thanksgiving:
My Heart is Filled with Thankfulness-

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