Monday, August 29, 2016

World News: Genocide of Chrisitans Overseas!

Dear Readers,
I have always said that to know what is truly going on around the world is hard and even unbelievable. Yet looking a the state of our world, horrendous evil is very possible.  Scroll down for news from overseas regarding Christians in Iran and what The American Center for Law and Justice is doing to help and you can help:


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Christians are on the brink of extermination - crucified and tortured.
In 24 hours, we're taking major legal action in court to defend them.
ISIS (the Islamic State) is systematically slaughtering Christians in the most barbaric calamity - genocide. 82% of Iraqi Christians have fled or been massacred. 66% of Syrian Christians devastated.
After first recognizing the "genocide against Christians," the Obama Administration has refused to act. Yet it's our legal obligation to act.
We're expanding our largest legal advocacy effort to defend dying Christians. We're preparing to send a critical letter to put the presidential candidates on record.
Tomorrow we're taking the most significant legal action to protect dying Christians. We're filing a federal lawsuit over the Administration's failure to fulfill its obligations. It could force action to 1) stop the Genocide and 2) protect Christians.
We can't continue this vital work without your support. Have your tax-deductible gift doubled before our looming Matching Challenge deadline in 2 days. We're significantly short of our goal.
Chip in $5 or more to defend dying Christians now.
Double Your Impact: $5 Becomes $10. $20 Becomes $40.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

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