Monday, August 22, 2016

Devot. Measuring for Growth

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good weekend!  As I stated last week, I want to start a series on growing in our everyday walk with Jesus.
When I say 'spiritual growth' what I mean is are we still the same person we were before we received Jesus into our life?  Do we know the same amount of the Bible as we did before?  Do we pray the same amount as previously? 
Or have folks noticed that there is a difference, a good one!, in our lives?   Has God changed us more into Himself more the inside out?  Do we like to read our Bibles and learn new things about His Word, do we pray whenever we feel a need for ourselves or someone else?
Or has receiving Jesus just meant a free ticket to Heaven, an escape from hell and that's it?
Practical example: When you take an infant or child into the drs. they have a scale by which they measure their growth by.  Usually drs. become quite concerned if that child is not on track for normal growth, or is not growing.   This applies to us as well.
The Bible calls new Christians, "Babes in Christ."   As we will see in later devots. we must not stay at this stage, but grow to be spiritually mature Christians.
 I will look forward  to sharing practical devots. on how to grow in everyday life, and what can hinder growth.
This devot. below gives a 'growth chart' to see if and how we have grown since receiving Jesus as our Rescuer.   
As an added note, if you have never received Jesus as you personal Saviour/Rescuer,  Only Means of getting to Heaven, please look at the Are You Sure tab on the Home page.
Lord bless you and yours this week!

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