Dear Fellow American,
Despite the recent news affecting the protection of innocent preborn humans, we must continue to press forward in our efforts to rescue children and serve families, leading to the end of abortion in America in our lifetime.

This recent turn of events should not mean "business as usual" for abortion providers. We are becoming increasingly aware of abortionists' lack of regard for human life, whether it's the life of the preborn child or the mother. And public opinion is shifting as the truth comes to light.
We believe it's time to unite around the foundational truths that define what it means to be pro-life.
That's why the leaders of the pro-life movement wrote the The Pro-Life Declaration -- and hundreds of thousands of people have signed it. In four simple statements, the Declaration articulates the basics of the pro-life position void of any exemptions or excuses.
So far, about 340,700 people have signed their names to make their their voices heard for the cause of LIFE, and we invite you to do the same. It's time for all pro-life individuals to unite under the banner of the sacredness of human life.
Will you join us? Take a moment right now and sign The Pro-Life Declaration.Add your name now! »
Thank you for making your voice heard.
Until abortion ends,

P.S. Our hope should not be placed in the court system but in the King of kings. And He continues to guide Human Coalition, as more of His precious image bearers and their families are rescued from abortion-one baby at a time!
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