Friday, November 6, 2015

Devot. Being Thankful for Grace

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a blessed week!
A friend pointing out something from the devot. last week that I thought should be mentioned.
While Halloween has some very nasty, spiritually scary roots, it is an ideal time to share Jesus with our neighbors.
As my pastor reminded us 2 weeks ago, "You will be rubbing shoulders and running into folks you normally may not,
so take the opportunity and give them a Gospel tract, invite them to church, ask them if they are sure of Heaven."
Next year I may find some devots. on how to share Jesus with folks at this time of year:)
Since we are moving now into Thanksgiving season, I am going to do a series on things we can be thankful for.
I've heard folks say that if we could make a list of all our blessings, they would far out number the things that aren't perfect in our lives.  In addition to the devot. I have included a song link of Who we should be thankful to.
I pray you and yours have a blessed, safe and healthy weekend!
Devot.  (Used by permission.   Taken from  

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