Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Devot. In the Lord's Army

Dear Friends,

I pray you had a blessed weekend! 

Since this week is Vetrens's Day, I wanted to give you a devot. specifically on that holiday, but with a Christian perspective as well.     I think I found a good one that I pray is insightful and a blessing.

If you or your loved ones have served or are currently serving in any "law enforcement/military" capacity, THANK YOU from a grateful American.   You or your loved ones  have had the boldness/courage to do what I have not.  God blessings and protection upon you and yours.

I pray you all have a safe, healthy and blessed week! 

 Devot. http://www.icr.org/article/lords-army  (Used by permission.   Taken http://www.icr.org/#)

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