Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good weekend! Thanksgiving is this week!
So much is on my heart that I want to share with you in a few words.
First of all the devot. today is taken from Psalm 100 and it shows us 3 things that we can be thankful when it comes to Who our God is, His attributes.
My pastor actually did this Psalm as his sermon on Sunday and studied these 3 things as well.
The message was such a blessing to my heart that I'm so glad found a short replication of it for you.
My pastor asked us a question and asked us to fill in the blank. "God, I thank you for___."
I've been asking my young students last week and this week, "What are 2 things that you are extremely thankful to God for? When you think of kids in other countries what are 2 things that you could say 'Wow! I am thankful to God for this'! " (As an idea, this may be a good topic to open up before praying for Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday).
The answers I received from my students ranged from family, education, water and heat. One of my 9 year boys in Sunday School said something like this, "I think we should be thankful for Jesus saving us! I don't think it's right to not thank Him for dying for us." This is from a child who had not seen the inside of a church before last year, didn't know what Jesus had done for Him and has only received the Lord as His Savor in the last year. We could learn a lot from this child!
Psalm 100 reminds us that God made us, we didn't make ourselves. It stands to reason then that everything comes from Him as well. There are verses in Isaiah that say God Himself gave us breath in our bodies to live. If we couldn't live without God giving us air, we can't take credit for all the blessings we have been given.
I pray that each of us takes time every day this week as we are getting ready for our day or driving to work to think of all that God has given to us, as undeserving as we are, as sinners saved by His undeserved Grace and to thank Him from our hearts for it. Just as we like to be thanked when we do something for someone, don't you think God likes to hear 'Thank You' as well?
Below is the devot. and a song that is a favorite of my family's.
From my family to yours, a personal wish for you and your family to have a very blessed, Christ focused Thanksgiving!
Devot. (Used by permission. Taken from Song:
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