Thursday, September 10, 2015

Pastor Seed and Iran Deal-Critical Update and Petition!

Dear Friends,
No matter where you stand on the political side of this deal, please remember that a fellow Believer's life depends on what happens.  He has been in a horrible prison and according to reports has suffering torture and abuse for his faith for 2 years. It's time America takes a stand, thinks  of fellow citizen Pastor Saeed and brings him home to his wife and kids!  Please pray our congressman and women think of him in this whole deal.  A human life is worth more than anything. Please sign this for his family's sake and pass along.  God bless and thanks!


It's a critical week for imprisoned American Pastor Saeed Abedini . . .

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It's a critical week for imprisoned American Pastor Saeed Abedini.
As he languishes in an Iranian prison cell because of his Christian faith, his fate could be decided in Congress.
Congress is voting this week on a critical bill to reject President Obama's bad nuclear deal with Iran - a deal made worse because it abandons Pastor Saeed.
We're aggressively working in Congress, urging the House and Senate to reject the deal and bring Pastor Saeed home.
As part of our comprehensive global strategy for Pastor Saeed's freedom, we're advocating in Congress and at the U.N. A team of lawyers is preparing to travel to New York for the U.N. General Assembly in just days.
The House could vote as soon as tomorrow. Members of the House and Senate who unanimously demanded Pastor Saeed's freedom before are now wavering. Be heard.
Pastor Saeed desperately needs your voice more now than ever.
Sign Our Urgent Petition: Reject the Deal & Bring Saeed Home.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

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