Thursday, September 17, 2015

Devot. How Long Shall the Standard Wave?

Dear Friends,
 I hope you are having a good day!
The devot. and the series I'm going to try and work on for the next little while will focus on
our country -where we have been spiritually and where we are now.
I feel the Lord has been laying this idea on my heart,  so I we will see where this goes. 
I'm concerned with some things I'm seeing and yet I know that many people are praying 
and believing that our country will find it's roots and come back to God.
This devot. gives a wake up call, sounds the alarm and I hope it will get each of us thinking
from God's perspective, a Biblical worldview on this issue.
 I pray you and your family have a very blessed and safe weekend!  
(Used by permission.  Taken from

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